Teller Report

Newly diagnosed new cases of new coronary pneumonia in 31 provinces

3/11/2020, 12:58:36 AM

China News Service, March 11. According to the website of the National Health and Medical Commission, at 04:00 on March 10, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 24 new confirmed cases and new deaths. 22 cases (22 cases in Hubei), 31 new suspected cases.

On the same day, 1578 cases were cured and discharged, 3235 persons were removed from close contact with medical observation, and 302 severe cases were reduced.

As of 24:00 on March 10, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 16,145 confirmed cases (including 4,492 severe cases), 61,475 cured cases and 3,158 dead cases. A total of 80,778 confirmed cases have been reported, and there are currently 285 suspected cases. A total of 675,886 close contacts have been tracked, and 14,607 close contacts are still in medical observation.

There were 13 new confirmed cases in Hubei (13 in Wuhan), 1471 new cured cases (1212 in Wuhan), 22 new deaths (19 in Wuhan), and 15671 confirmed cases (14514 in Wuhan). Among them, 4,412 were severe cases (4217 in Wuhan). A total of 49056 discharged patients were cured (33,041 in Wuhan), a total of 3,046 deaths (2423 in Wuhan), and a total of 67,73 confirmed cases (49,978 in Wuhan). There were 6 new suspected cases (6 in Wuhan) and 198 suspected cases (192 in Wuhan).

At 04:00 on March 10th, 10 newly diagnosed imported cases were reported (6 in Beijing, 2 in Shanghai, 1 in Shandong, and 1 in Gansu). As of 24:00 on March 10, a total of 79 imported confirmed cases were reported overseas.

A total of 177 confirmed cases were reported from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan: 120 cases in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (65 cases discharged, 3 deaths), 10 cases in Macau Special Administrative Region (10 cases discharged), 47 cases in Taiwan (17 cases discharged, 1 case died) ).

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