Teller Report

The UOC announced the participation of the Ukrainian authorities in the seizure of temples

3/2/2019, 6:04:32 PM

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church announced the participation of regional authorities in the seizure of temples by the “new church”.

"In the Rivne region, in Kirovograd and Kiev regions, local authorities hold an open campaign for the so-called" transition ", initiate a meeting of territorial communities where they raise the issue of" transferring "the UOC parishes to the" PCU ", help activists in their illegal intentions against the UOC and even voluntarily seize churches and "describe" property without any documents, ”the message of the UOC says.

They noted that on March 1, the chairman of the Zdolbunovsky district state administration, Sergei Kondrachuk, broke the doors of the Mikhailovsky Church of the Bushch village in the Rivne region with scrap, and in the village of Novaya Moshchanitsa tried to seize the Church of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, demanding the abbot's keys.

Earlier, the head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov said that the actions of the Ukrainian authorities against the priests of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate are raiding and banditry.

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