Teller Report

The State Duma appreciated the words of Volcker on possible sanctions against Russia

3/19/2019, 8:37:10 PM

Yuri Shvytkin, deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, commented on RT the statement by US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Walker on the possibility of introducing new sanctions against Russia.

“Volcker’s statement is heard within the framework of Poroshenko’s election rhetoric, which also blames Russia for every imaginable and unimaginable sins. It is also worth noting that Volker, first of all, needs to think about the sanctions that are imposed against the European Union by Moscow and are mirror-like. Russia's policy is unchanged. We believe that Ukraine is a sovereign state, and the Ukrainian people are brotherly for us, ”said the deputy.

Nevertheless, according to Shvytkin, one should not forget that "the power in Ukraine is seized by a coup d'état."

“We are ready to cooperate with Kiev within the framework of an adequate dialogue. Russia never hatched aggressive plans for Ukraine, ”he said.

Earlier, Volker allowed the introduction of new sanctions against Russia.

According to the diplomat, “if the situation is as it was in the previous few years, sanctions against Russia will be periodically tightened”.

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