“The United States needs to understand that all their attempts to overthrow Nicolas Maduro fail, not because of someone’s external influence, but because of the position of the Venezuelan people. He resists American hegemonism. It is on this that the effectiveness of the Maduro government in its confrontation with the United States is based; this is the main source of strength and support for the incumbent president, ”the MP said.

According to Novikov, despite the sanctions and attempts to shake the situation in Venezuela from the outside, there are three important factors that continue to ensure the stability of the government.

“Sanctions, of course, affect the situation. Nevertheless, three factors continue to work. First, it is government support by the broad masses of the people. Secondly, the enormous opportunities for civil mobilization that the United Socialist Party of Venezuela has. Thirdly, the support of the army, which was never able to intimidate and bribe, so that it went over to the side of Guayido. But the US needs to explain to its taxpayers why the White House’s policy towards Venezuela is failing. In this situation, it is very convenient to point to an external source - Russia, ”he said.

Earlier in the US Congress introduced a bill to counter the "Russian influence" in Venezuela.

The project proposes to introduce sanctions against the Russians and citizens of other countries who support the current president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro.