Teller Report

The expert commented on Trump's statement on the Golan Heights.

3/21/2019, 6:34:30 PM

Vladimir Batyuk, head of the Center for Military-Political Studies of the ISK RAS, commented on a statement by US President Donald Trump that the time has come to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“If recognition of sovereignty happens, it will be a severe blow to the relationship between the United States and the Arab-Islamic world. The Golan Heights were captured by Israel during the two Arab-Israeli wars and are of great importance for the security of both Syria and Israel ... This is a very difficult question. The problem is absolutely deadlocked. In these conditions, if the decision of the United States is made, it will be equivalent to a cigarette butt in a barrel of gunpowder, ”the expert believes.

Batiuk stressed that the United States will not be able to conduct this decision through the UN Security Council.

“It will be unequivocally blocked by Russia and China, even if we imagine such a fantastic enough situation that Britain and France will agree with their decision. But I am inclined to think that France will join Russia on this particular issue, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Trump said it was time to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

The head of the White House noted that this territory is essential for the security of Israel and regional stability.

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