“There is some truth in what Macron says about the desire of the rebels to destroy the republic. The president is talking about his very ideal, which exists only in his head. Macron now for the citizens of the country personifies everything bad in connection with the changes that have occurred. Therefore, yes, the protesters want to demolish the republic, which he imagines. But the performances of the "yellow vests" are exclusively anti-makronovsky, and not anti-state in nature, "the expert believes.

The expert believes that Macron has already spent all the possibilities of a peaceful settlement in his arsenal during the first protests.

“Nevertheless, if now he tries to solve everything by force, his popularity, which is not very high anyway, will become even lower, anti-rating will be enormous. The president is at an impasse and all that remains for him is to carry out such rhetoric by appealing to the protesters, ”Asafov concluded.

Earlier, Macron said that the protests taking place in France are not a "manifestation", the protesters "yellow vests" intend to "destroy the republic."

The State Duma called the Macron's statement about the goals of the protesters the policy of double standards.