Teller Report

Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to create a registry of cars open to all Russians

3/2/2019, 11:40:32 AM

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has proposed to create a single state register of cars, all Russians can have access to it.

Amendments to the draft law “On the State Register of Vehicles” were published on the portal of regulatory legal acts. The law should come into force on August 4.

It is noted that through any user of the public services portal it will be able to request an extract from the registry free of charge and receive information about the VIN, registration number, year of issue, environmental class, car engine power, as well as the owners of the car and the dates of ownership.

With this data series will remain available only to police officers, prosecutors, investigators, judges, employees of the tax and customs departments.

Currently, more than 60 million vehicles are registered in Russia. Access to the relevant database have only traffic police officers.

Earlier, the traffic police confirmed their willingness to enter an electronic driver's license.

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