Teller Report

France-big national debate: it's time to conclude

4/7/2019, 5:12:27 PM

Three months after the launch of the big national debate in response to the crisis of "yellow vests", here comes the time of the conclusion. With a first appointment on Monday: a "restitution" before the Prime Minister who will then speak ...

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Emmanuel Macron in Greoux-les-Bains, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, March 7, 2019. Young people were not the most present in the big debate. CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

Three months after the launch of the big national debate in response to the crisis of "yellow vests", here comes the time of the conclusion. With a first meeting on Monday: a "restitution" before the Prime Minister who will then address the two chambers to give his reading of these long weeks of debate. Ads will come later.

Appointment is given this Monday morning at the Grand Palais, a few steps from the Elysee. The guarantors will have three hours to summarize the 10,000 local meetings, 16,000 notebooks open in the town halls and hundreds of thousands of citizen proposals raised for more than two months.

It will be to hear " all that the French have told us, in their very great diversity, and sometimes in their very great complexity, " said Philippe.

The next step will be Tuesday and Wednesday with a debate without a vote in the National Assembly, then in the Senate with each time a speech by the Prime Minister. Purchasing power, taxation, ecology , democracy ..., no concrete answers expected this week on these themes, but outlines, it is the president, Emmanuel Macron, who reserves the ads.

Questioned in the columns of the Parisian Sunday , the government spokeswoman, Sibeth Ndiaye, promised that once the conclusions of the great debate made " nothing would be like before ".

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