
Liveticker | Schedule | table




Friday, 09.11.2018, 20:30

Gunnar Lott

Hannover expert

Gunnar Lott

Gunnar Lott is doing something with media. If he does not talk shop about football tactics on the 96-blog never allin.de, he expresses his love for old computer games on stayforever.de. 96-fan since the early 90s.

  • Twitter: @ MrKaliban

Gunnar Lott

96-fan since the early 90s.

  • Twitter: @ MrKaliban


Week after week, we see how the team against opponents with better cadres at times shows true performance, with the ball as against the ball. Week after week we collect but also really annoying goals, after unnecessary mistakes, by ridiculous penalties, moderately defended standards , I plead for a dirty 0: 0 as a target!


It's amazing how fast during the season of "Huch, we have to remove Albornoz from the squad, because we have too many players who deserve the bet" to "Oh, if we can get the spare bench?" came. Sick: Felipe, Füllkrug, Hübers, Maina. For private reasons not included: Sorg. Applied, but probably available: Schwegler, Esser, Weydandt. Let's hope the best.

emotional state

The recent game against Wolfsburg in the DFB Cup we could have won well. Let me put it this way: Maybe the colleagues from the VW city spent their luck in the first game; It is certainly time that one of these tight games ever goes out happily in our favor.

Antonia crowd

Wolfsburg expert

Antonia crowd

I'm Antonia, 19 years old and a passionate fan of VfL Wolfsburg. I grew up in the wolves' area and felt more part of the pack year after year. I do not care what others think about Wolfsburg - for me the city is home and the stadium a second home.

  • Twitter: @antoniasxn

Antonia crowd

I do not care what others think about Wolfsburg - for me the city is home and the stadium a second home.

  • Twitter: @antoniasxn


"Oh well, again Hannover against Wolfsburg! This is really always a great football match." Nobody in Wolfsburg, Hannover or the rest of Germany. Ever.


Against Dortmund, VfL has shown a good performance, but not rewarded. Overall, the team is in good shape after the English week, perhaps even a surprise return of long-term injured Felix Klaus against his former club is on the way.

emotional state

Wolfsburg has every chance in Hannover to take points. Nobody expected a good game after the cup cramp, but a defeat would be very disappointing. We will see (a boring game).

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

It is less than two weeks ago that VfL Wolfsburg beat harmless 96ers without much effort in the DFB Cup. Now the Lower Saxony duel in the league repeated. For almost four years, VfL has not lost to Hannover and there is little evidence that this will change in the current constitution of 96. Bonus tip: It will be tough.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke




Saturday, 10.11.2018, 15:30

Heiko Walkenhorst

Hoffenheim expert

Heiko Walkenhorst

Born in 1964 in the football diaspora Heidelberg, only one thing could become of him: student. In 2006, Hoffenheim fan came to 2007, the first season ticket and the founding of Germany's first "Akademikerfanclubs", also because it lacked heart yet no fan. After being greeted as warmly as the TSG itself, it was clear that it's a good thing that is fun - and that's the main thing, especially with trivia.

  • Twitter: @akademikerfc
  • Facebook: @Accademic fan club
  • Website: akademikerfanclub.de

Heiko Walkenhorst

Born in 1964 in the football diaspora Heidelberg, only one thing could become of him: student. In 2006, Hoffenheim fan came to 2007, the first season ticket and the founding of Germany's first "Akademikerfanclubs", also because it lacked heart yet no fan.

  • Twitter: @akademikerfc
  • Facebook: @Accademic fan club
  • Website: akademikerfanclub.de


The mood can hardly be better. Things are going well in the league - and in Lyon the team has shown that it has not only playful qualities. In addition, the lineup showed that we can vary without losing a lot of class.


Another game, then break. In other words, the much cited "stress control" is unlikely to work. But of course you have to see how resilient individual players are at all, because the match in Lyon was exhausting. Especially since the FCA is a team that acts very combative. Will be tough, but the TSG will be able to counter it.

emotional state

Carefully euphoric, but Augsburg is uncomfortable. Like us, the FCA against BVB won only very unlucky. This shows that Augsburg has quality. But we too. And with the tailwind of the past games, it would actually work with a narrow victory.

Kristell Gnahm

Augsburg expert

Kristell Gnahm

Augsburg supporter since 2006. First, I suffered with the team threatening descents back to the third division and coach like Fach. Then came Luhukay and promotion to the Bundesliga. I was sure that I had achieved everything with the FCA, but Weinzierl punished me with lies. Mölders shot us to a 1-0 home win against Bayern, Bobadilla a year later in the Europa League, where #keineSau something dared. In short, the FCA and me, that's a great love.

  • Twitter: @ Kristaldo1907
  • Blog: kristaldozidane.wordpress.com
  • Podcast: The Zirbelnuss - The FCA Talk, @MSRZirbelnuss and @AufDieZirbelnuss

Kristell Gnahm

Augsburg supporter since 2006. Since then, I regularly go on pilgrimage to Augsburg's Rosenaustadion, where FC Augsburg had started on its way up.

  • Twitter: @ Kristaldo1907
  • Blog: kristaldozidane.wordpress.com
  • Podcast: The Zirbelnuss - The FCA Talk, @MSRZirbelnuss and @AufDieZirbelnuss


The point loss in the last minutes against Nuremberg annoying. But the team has often drawn strength from such annoying gameplay. Hoffenheim still does not feel like a construction opponent.


Hahn's failure is unpleasant, but Gregory can probably be there. The past games and opponents were tough, one almost thinks, the air would be out of the Augsburgers. But the coaching staff gets back in again.

emotional state

Hoffenheim is great on it and hard to figure out for Baum. Nominally stronger opponents are the FC Augsburg this season, but countable is not always out of it. You should be happy about a good game and a division of points.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

The TSG Hoffenheim fought a draw in Wednesday's Champions League after a sensational comeback in Lyon. As nice as this success was for the team of Julian Nagelsmann, it should have cost a lot of strength as well. Augsburg will exploit that and bring three points to Sinsheim.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke




Saturday, 10.11.2018, 15:30

Johanna Göddecke

Werder expert

Johanna Göddecke

Johanna Göddecke, 25 years old, a Werder fan for eleven years, was born in Sauerland and has been living in Bremen for four years. Chairman of the Werder Fanclub #twerder (Twitter: @WFCTWERDER), who initiated the #greenwhitewonderwall in the spring of 2016 and one of the voices from the @Weserfunk, a Werder podcast.

  • Twitter: @ Fireflie8

Johanna Göddecke

Johanna Göddecke, 25 years old, a Werder fan for eleven years, was born in Sauerland and has been living in Bremen for four years.

  • Twitter: @ Fireflie8


Two bankruptcies in a row - and the appearance in Mainz was really bad, especially in the first half. Werder is not the top team she wants to be. The first critics are getting louder, but the ball should be kept flat.


Unusual blunders of the service providers underlined the lousy appearance in Mainz. Everyone is fit, but are all in good shape? Matter of opinion. Maybe we will see the new dream duo Pizarro-Jojo-Eggestein storm against Gladbach.

emotional state

If we show no other face against Gladbach, the next home clap follows. Fortunately, no scooter sounds in the Weserstadion. However, I expect a reaction from the team and expect at least one point.

Marc Basten

M'gladbach expert

Marc Basten

Born in 1967 in Aachen, he was infected with the Borussia virus in childhood, when he saw Netzer's legendary goal in the Cup final '73. Since then he has followed Borussia Mönchengladbach with great passion. In the year 2000 he founded the online magazine TORfabrik.de, for which he writes since then as a responsible editor-in-chief under the motto "professional, factual, critical, fair" about the Fohlenelf.

  • Twitter: @ mb67de
  • Website: torfabrik.de

Marc Basten

Born in 1967 in Aachen, he was infected with the Borussia virus in childhood, when he saw Netzer's legendary goal in the Cup final '73.

  • Twitter: @ mb67de
  • Website: torfabrik.de


Relief prevails in Mönchengladbach. The victory against Dusseldorf was after the bankruptcies in Freiburg and the Cup against Leverkusen important in several respects. So it goes with confidence to Bremen.


The return of Alassane Pléa has returned the team a quality that will also be in demand against Werder. The Frenchman is the player who makes the difference, even if he does not hit himself.

emotional state

Although Borussia is currently second in the table, there are still doubts about how solid the team really is. Werder is a real touchstone in this respect. Bremen was worth a trip in the recent past and the constellation promises a real top game in which for Borussia is something in it.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

The fact that Borussia is in second place in the league, she has mainly thanks to their home strength. Up to now, she has only won one win, but in the Munich Arena. In Bremen, Dieter Hecking's team will have a hard time and travel back to Mönchengladbach with one point.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke



Mainz 05

Saturday, 10.11.2018, 15:30

Sven Metzger

Freiburg expert

Sven Metzger

Busy with online marketing during the day and three crazy women in the evening. Tweet about everything. Member of the SC Freiburg for more than ten years, moderates the podcast to the SCF with the Füchsletalk and, according to season tickets, is meanwhile less frequent at the Dreisam in the stadium despite 400 kilometers per home game.

  • Twitter: @ Zugzwang74
  • Website: svenmetzger.de
  • Podcast: @Fuechsle_talk

Sven Metzger

Member of the SC Freiburg for more than ten years, moderates the podcast to the SCF with the Füchsletalk and, according to season tickets, is meanwhile less frequent at the Dreisam in the stadium despite 400 kilometers per home game.

  • Twitter: @ Zugzwang74
  • Website: svenmetzger.de
  • Podcast: @Fuechsle_talk


After the #FootballLeaks, the submissions of the fan expert for SC Freiburg are different than usual this week.

Instead of giving the emotional claqueur to this footballing spectacle, I just do not want to pretend that nothing has happened.


One could look forward to a 1-1 draw in Munich, to be pleased about the games against Leverkusen, Hertha, Gladbach and Bayern. Could.

emotional state

Besch ...en would be bragged, the desire for Bundesliga is just non-existent. Against Mainz it will be enough for the SC anyway.

Thierry Misamer

Mainz 05 expert

Thierry Misamer

Born in FCK-Land, the 44-year-old led a lonely existence for a long time until he finally found his footballing home at the end of the last millennium, during his studies in business administration in Mainz. Just in time to get to know the player legend Jürgen Klopp. The longtime co-editor of the Mainz fanzine "The TORToUR" describes as his greatest sporting achievement that in the passport of his daughter "born in Mainz, (20) 05" stands.

  • Facebook: @ die.tortour

Thierry Misamer

The longtime co-editor of the Mainz fanzine "The TORToUR" describes as his greatest sporting achievement that in the passport of his daughter "born in Mainz, (20) 05" stands.

  • Facebook: @ die.tortour


The indiscipline that had angered so much in the past week turned out to be a storm in a glass of water. The team is intact and proved this against Bremen with an impressive (running) performance.


After the goalless and winless series have been ticked off, we turn to the away weakness: Only one counter was previously retracted abroad, and in the past two seasons this was hardly better with twelve away points.

emotional state

Freiburg is our favorite opponent: four defeats in 18 Bundesliga matches proudly ten victories. After all, four of them arrive in Breisgau. If we finish somewhere the mentioned Auswärtsmisere, then here.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

Mainz 05 has ended his series of seven unsuccessful matches with a home win against Bremen. In the distance, the team of Sandro Schwarz could get only one point in Nuremberg this season. Freiburg played in this season at home almost always convincing and will get no problem with Mainz.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke



Hertha BSC

Saturday, 10.11.2018, 15:30

Beate Müller-van Ißem

Dusseldorf expert

Beate Müller-van Ißem

Beate Müller-van Ißem lives in her hometown Düsseldorf and had no real family choice. All attempts to distract herself with sailing and politics from her painful passion for the moody diva were doomed to failure. Club member, season ticket holder and, despite all, unshakable convinced of the league (and the early Pokalaus).

  • Twitter: @badrulbudur

Beate Müller-van Ißem

Club member, season ticket holder and, despite all, unshakable convinced of the league (and the early Pokalaus).

  • Twitter: @badrulbudur


Mies would be bragging. Where should the hope come from? Of bad passes in construction that lead to goals? Badly beaten flanks that can not find a taker? From unplaced shots on the opponent's goal? Maybe the Dusseldorf herbal liqueur "Killepitsch", which is now available in a limited Fortuna edition, will help. 18.95 € for the mind.


Fortuna is now off officially from the second half of the game. The judiciary have already checked that. So at least the regular humiliations after 46 minutes have an end. On the penalty gifts to the opponents - last four in five games - I could also do without.

emotional state

Drive on, pick up the swat, drive back. It starts to annoy. If only there was a way out, then hope would remain, see above. Until then, only help: more schnapps (see above)!

Hertha BASE

Hertha BSC experts

Hertha BASE

We are a blog of passionate Hertha fans who share the daily madness of Hertha BSC with our community from a critical analytical perspective. Our blog brings preliminary reports, follow-up reports and individual reviews to all competitions, as well as daily and weekly updates on various topics around our "old lady". In order to show that we are fluent in writing as well as in reading, we are also able to hear about our home-brewed podcast at regular intervals.

  • Twitter: @ HBASE1892
  • Facebook: @ herthabase1892
  • Website: herthabase.de

Hertha BASE

We are a blog of passionate Hertha fans who share the daily madness of Hertha BSC with our community from a critical analytical perspective.

  • Twitter: @ HBASE1892
  • Facebook: @ herthabase1892
  • Website: herthabase.de


Hertha also plays soccer - you just do not notice it at the moment. The escalated confrontation between management and Ultras overshadows everything sporty. Banner ban, mood boycott, ad against Michael Preetz - it's all there to make hannovereske circumstances arise. A dialogue is not in sight.


Then we have to take care of sports, but it does not look too bright. No victory in the past four games, most recently a 0-3 swat against Leipzig. The formidable players like Duda or Dilrosun deliver only average performances, and real achievers like Plattenhardt slip into a crisis of form. Tidy sand in blue-white gear.

emotional state

Three points, no matter how! We finally need a victory again - as a breast release for the inhibited-looking team and as an emotional boost for the entire situation between the club and the fans. And hey, Dusseldorf has always been a good place for us! It will be an absolutely disgusting game that Hertha has to win over fight and a little bit of individual class.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

With only one win of the season Fortuna Dusseldorf is on the last place in the table. The newcomer is for Hertha, who had started strongly into the season and recently weakened a bit, the ideal construction opponent. Clear thing: away win Berlin.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke




Saturday, 10.11.2018, 15:30

Felix Amrhein

Nuremberg expert

Felix Amrhein

Born in Würzburg, the path initially led away from 1. FC Nürnberg to the east. With Hans Meyer and Marek Mintal the love for Glubb grew. Since 2014, Felix is ​​in the podcast Total talked about the club, which gives him sleepless nights.

  • Twitter: @TotalBeglubbt
  • Facebook: @Totalbeglubbt
  • Podcast: Totally Beglubbed

Felix Amrhein

Born in Würzburg, the path initially led away from 1. FC Nürnberg to the east. With Hans Meyer and Marek Mintal the love for Glubb grew. Since 2014, Felix is ​​in the podcast Total talked about the club, which gives him sleepless nights.

  • Twitter: @TotalBeglubbt
  • Facebook: @Totalbeglubbt
  • Podcast: Totally Beglubbed


While they lost two points against Frankfurt in the last second, they won against Augsburg. The team has the fans on their side, as they never got stuck and fought back for both the FCA and in Rostock for arrears. Now it's against the rear light. And for the team is nothing more than a victory in their own words in question.


Time is running out for Ishak. Valentini and lions are still missing injured. However, the bank has recently shown that it can replace the failures. Misidjan will continue to drive the offensive. The question remains whether the FCN finally gets its form over 90 minutes on the court.

emotional state

Stuttgart staggers to Nuremberg. The FCN wants to and has to seize this opportunity and enter a very important threesome in the fight for relegation. That will work and could even lead to a high victory at an early goal.

Christian Prechtl

Stuttgart expert

Christian Prechtl

Christian Prechtl has been going to the Neckarstadion since 1977. He is a member, season ticket holder and fan of VfB Stuttgart. In his blog By the way , he writes weekly about football and society in general and the VfB in particular. The German Academy of Football Culture nominated him for the shortlist for the Football Blog of the Year. As a member of the FC PlayFair! he is committed to more integrity and less profiteering in professional football. Prechtl is married and has three children.

  • Twitter: @ChrisPrech
  • Blog: cpkomm.de/by-the-way.html
  • Website: fcplayfair.org

Christian Prechtl

Christian Prechtl has been going to the Neckarstadion since 1977. He is a member, season ticket holder and fan of VfB Stuttgart.

  • Twitter: @ChrisPrech
  • Blog: cpkomm.de/by-the-way.html
  • Website: fcplayfair.org


You feel like a sacrificial lamb. Or like a goat driven on Saturday by drunks through a Spanish village and finally lit. Because we play with an opponent who is looking forward to the match because the VfB is coming, an opponent to beat. They will fight until they drop.


While others fight until they drop (see above), ours often fall over before the fight even begins. Perfectly finished laugh number. Even our excellent World Champion Pavard can be seen to have no desire to kick in such a cucumber troop.

emotional state

It can not get any worse - you think after every game. But: Nuremberg is our collar size. Somehow we take the lead and manage to save at least a point over time. And that keeps us artificially alive until Jürgen Klinsmann flies in and works wonders. If he does not prefer his miracles in Berlin.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

Nuremberg is still struggling as a starter in league one, got in Dortmund and Leipzig clear clapping - but could win almost all important games against direct competitors. In Franconia you seem to know how to properly divide your forces. This will also be felt by VfB Stuttgart.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke




Saturday, 10.11.2018, 18:30 clock

Larissa Grösch

Dortmund expert

Larissa Grösch

The football pulled me from the Bavarian Rhön in the pot. Despite FCB-Papa a BVB fan since childhood. Since 2017 editor of schwatzgelb.de.

Larissa Grösch

The football pulled me from the Bavarian Rhön in the pot. Despite FCB-Papa a BVB fan since childhood. Since 2017 editor of schwatzgelb.de.


Well, now there was the first damper. Away, against Atlético Madrid. Honestly? There are worse things. The game was a good location - against the "big ones", we still just need our best performance to stand up to them. But hardly anyone should be able to prepare sleepless nights for this defeat.


The gaps in the squad are gradually filling up again. Lukasz Piszczek returned to the starting lineup and Kagawa made his comeback in the Regionalliga (four assists in a 5-0 win over RWE). Apart from Marcel Schmelzer, the coach against the Munich is likely to draw on the full.

emotional state

It would be presumptuous to count on a win. In the past, Bayern were often able to regain their strength and underpin their supremacy. Due to our quite comfortable distance I am still amazingly relaxed. And who knows? On a good day, BVB can beat any opponent.


Bayern experts


We are fans of Bavaria and want to provide our readers with a complete picture of FC Bayern Munich through match reports, tactical analyzes, podcasts and regular round-ups to professionals, women and amateurs. We are united by the passion for FC Bayern and the desire for calm, well-founded analyzes beyond lurid headlines and black-and-white thinking.

  • Twitter: @miasanred
  • Facebook: @miasan red
  • Blog: miasanrot.de


We are fans of Bavaria and want to provide our readers with a complete picture of FC Bayern Munich through match reports, tactical analyzes, podcasts and regular round-ups to professionals, women and amateurs.

  • Twitter: @miasanred
  • Facebook: @miasan red
  • Blog: miasanrot.de


FC Bayern have won five of their last six games. But it feels different. Playful convincing was not a match against partly unterklassige opponents. A kind of spirit of optimism could not be generated in the last days. Bayern is increasingly dissolving into its components. It's not just Niko Kovac. The squad he has available has in parts exceeded his zenith.


Kovac did not try tactically to compensate for Thiago's defeat by Freiburg, but instead to compensate Joshua Kimmich in midfield. This brought more structure in phases, but Kimmich had a bad day and won in defensive midfield almost no duel. It is unlikely that this solution will get a second chance in Dortmund, of all places.

emotional state

For the first time in more than five years, FC Bayern drive as a blatant outsider to Dortmund. The mission is mitigation. A draw on Munich side would probably take everyone involved with a kiss. Due to the many tactical inadequacies, this seems almost impossible. It will rather go to the height of the Dortmund victory.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

This duel was not so open for a long time. If you look at the season and the performance of both teams, BVB is even easier favorite. How to put the Borussia in front of problems, Atlético has shown during the week. However, FC Bayern will not be able to duplicate this strategy and will again encounter problems against a strong opponent. Dortmund takes the home win in the top game.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke

RB Leipzig



Sunday, 11.11.2018, 15:30

Matthias Kiessling

RB Leipzig expert

Matthias Kiessling

Since 2010 I blog at rotebrauseblogger.de about everything that happens around RB Leipzig. From a crazy idea, created during parental leave, was a comprehensive accompaniment of the club and all its background noise. Sober in tone, emphatic in the matter. Since the club's founding, the interested observer has become a fan of the sporting part of the club and still remains an interested observer. Since 2012 in almost every game at home or abroad.

  • Blog: rotebrauseblogger.de

Matthias Kiessling

Since 2010 I blog at rotebrauseblogger.de about everything that happens around RB Leipzig.

  • Blog: rotebrauseblogger.de


Julian Nagelsmann said a few weeks ago that he had decided on RB, because one could still shape the club. Ralf Rangnick is currently doing everything in his power to stamp his mark on the club before that. But wait, even in the preseason, the break came after a very good start until the end of November.


The zero is. Game by game. No matter who is ultimately in the starting eleven. The team fits very well. The fact that Forsberg has been missing for a long time and that players who have been troubled over and over again, could be a problem in the long run.

emotional state

What you get from Leverkusen, you never really know. An unbelievably good offensive series, which can also unbelievably often collapse in tight situations. Four goals or four goals, you could almost dub what you achieved against Bayer.

Bastian Hahne

Leverkusen expert

Bastian Hahne

Bastian Hahne, 35 years old, journalist from Bergisch Gladbach. Bayer fan since the mid-90s. My first live game was the relegation final match against 1. FC Kaiserslautern in 1996 and had everything in it, which can tie you up as a fan. Disappointment after the 0: 1 by Pavel Kuka and the threat of relegation, huge jubilation after the equalization by Markus Münch and thus achieved relegation. Since then, I have seen a lot with the club: the successful Daum era, the Triple Vice season, another Fast relegation, many great players (the biggest: Dimitar Berbatov), ​​countless, partly legendary European Cup games and as many second places. Since 2002 uninterrupted season ticket holder and capable of suffering.

  • Twitter: @ torhamster04

Bastian Hahne

Since 2002 uninterrupted season ticket holder and capable of suffering.

  • Twitter: @ torhamster04


There is a mix of confusion and disillusionment. The glittering canter victories against Bremen and Gladbach followed the sobering 1: 4 against Hoffenheim. No one knows how it goes now. It is all very unsatisfactory.


It was not a bad game for the team. The Werkself beat Hoffenheim in almost all categories covered by the statistics. Not at the gates. And they count.

emotional state

The starting position is similar to before the game against Bremen. Disappointed Leverkusen compete with strong Leipzigers. With a little more efficiency in front of the opponent's goal, there is something against RB. Gates are guaranteed.

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

Since losing to Dortmund on Matchday 1, Leipzig has not lost in the league. Against Hertha, the team showed last fantastic football. Leverkusen got intoxicated at the games in Bremen and the Cup in Mönchengladbach, but then lost clearly against Hoffenheim. Bayer seems to be not consistent enough to win against strong Leipzig, but draws.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke




Sunday, 11.11.2018, 18:00 clock

Eintracht podcast

Frankfurt experts

Eintracht podcast

The team from the Eintracht Frankfurt podcast, consisting of Alex (@odoratio), Basti (@basti_red), Marvin (@ Marv2punkt0), Dennis (@ Duke1203) and René (@Rootbird), has been offering some sort of therapy for weekly audio programs since 2010 fans. Hardly a show lasts less than 60 minutes, because there are always things that are highly emotional discussed. That's exactly what many listeners need to process or prepare for a game day.

  • Website: eintracht-podcast.de

Eintracht podcast

The team from the Eintracht Frankfurt podcast has been providing weekly audio programs since 2010 with a kind of therapy for fans.

  • Website: eintracht-podcast.de


Almost safe and already in energy-saving mode Eintracht has made clear the wintering in Europe - and in front of a quasi-home backdrop. By mood, every Eintracht fan should have an absolute high until Sunday.


The victories in recent weeks are clearly due to a closed team performance and an exhaustion of the performance limits. The next international break comes again very convenient. Until then it is to be maintained.

emotional state

After the party in Cyprus comes the new reality test. This time against Schalke. After all, at home. The current performance should be a win in it. The unfortunately tried Eintracht fan is waiting for the break-in and remains skeptical.

Hassan Talib Haji

Schalke expert

Hassan Talib Haji

My name is Hassan Talib Haji, born 1981 in Mombasa (Kenya). The FC Schalke 04 pulled me in 1986 as a five-year-old in the venerable Park Stadium in his spell and since then never let go.

  • Twitter: @hassanscorner
  • Blog: hassanscorner.tv

Hassan Talib Haji

The FC Schalke 04 pulled me in 1986 as a five-year-old in the venerable Park Stadium in his spell and since then never let go.

  • Twitter: @hassanscorner
  • Blog: hassanscorner.tv


"Look, a Schalke with a good mood!" A sentence that was barely heard at all in the relatively young season.After the catastrophe start in the league, however, royal blue has caught. That was sorely needed. The mood threatened to topple over the past few weeks. Now match style and results together again.


Coach Domenico Tedesco has not changed much. His players are now meeting again. The defense has also recovered to its old strength. Schalke starts to score consistently. However, without Oczipka, Baba and Mendyl - the trio is injured or still behind. Ralf Fährmann (groin) will be back in goal.

emotional state

Now it goes to the reigning cup winner. Eintracht Frankfurt is waiting and is in a good mood. The squad of Adi Hütter is in good shape, has recently shot the VfB 3: 0. If Frankfurt were in a bad mood, I would probably be more worried about the result. Paradox, I know. And besides, it would be nice again, with another to provide for people in a bad mood, right?

That's what the SPON expert types

By Tim Pommerenke

Too bad for Schalke. Just the team had caught after a catastrophe start, there it must travel to Frankfurt. In Eintracht, there will be little to gain for the runner-up. It will be a close game that will decide the home team for themselves.

Tim Pommerenke

Tim Pommerenke

On Matchday 11, there is the absolute top match between Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich. For the "German Clasico" there are numerous odds on Betway. On sportwetten.spiegel.de you will find all information about the Betway bonus conditions.