Valieva's new image

On Sunday, the skaters presented their free programs to the fans. Olympic champion Kamila Valieva struck everyone again. The skater finally moved away from the lyrical composition and performed to the soundtrack from the movie "Black Panther".

"The program was born from the coaches, Daniil Markovich and Eteri Georgievna. Yesterday I talked about tango options, but, as strange as it may sound, I wanted something from this film. The composition shows how a superhero girl dies ...

I caught myself thinking that I have joy: I don't skate something lyrical this season. You still need an appropriate attitude, softer, and emotionally it is less smooth and less suitable for jumping, "the Championship portal quotes Valieva as saying.

The skater also admitted that she is thinking about entering a theater university, and the upcoming hearings at CAS, which will be held from September 26 to 29, are philosophical.

"Everything that is done is for the best. I try to stick to it. Simply because it is always easier to find the negative, and the positive moments are more difficult. This must be learned. It helps a lot in life. If you learn to find the positive in everything, then life will become better and more interesting," Valieva said.

At the same time, Yana Rudkovskaya, evaluating the performance of the figure skater, said that Kamila should lose a little weight to participate in competitions.

"I think she just needs to lose weight. I want to see the Camila who was before. She has an obvious weight gain. I know that girls don't like to talk about it - it's hard to keep weight, but you need to... For life, today's form of Kamila is beautiful, but for sports, aesthetics and forms need others, "Sport-Express quotes Rudkovskaya.

At the same time, coach Inna Goncharenko stressed that the skater has matured a lot over the summer.

"I really liked Camila, especially the short program. And the arbitrary one suits her very well. It can be seen that she is confident, stylish. There is a certain adult charm. It's great to start the season. Valieva is full of energy, as if she did not stop, well done, "RIA Novosti quoted Goncharenko as saying.

Not everything worked out during the free program for Elizaveta Tuktamysheva. She jumped five double axels.

"It's good that it's not eight (laughs). I made them to make the program look complete, without gross errors. At the rentals, the main thing is to present yourself well, and I have stages in a month and a half, this is a lot of time more, "the skater joked.

Not without adventures were rentals for Ksenia Sinitsyna. As it turned out, the girl in training pierced her leg with a skate. Nevertheless, she still performed in front of the audience.

"Yes, the training was just going on, it was going well, in working mode. I had already skated an arbitrary program, there were literally two minutes left until the end of the training, I went to the Lutz, and it so happened that my leg jumped off and I made potholes in my shoe. She pierced her leg. I left training - I couldn't do it anymore. I could barely walk. For a very long time, my leg was frozen there, I tried to knead it for a long time, they glued it to me, re-glued it, "the athlete admitted.

Sofia Muravyova, in turn, noted that many did not understand her short program. She tried to make a daring image with unusual movements, not a lyrical one. But the audience saw everything in their own way.

"Naturally, not one hundred percent form, far from the best. We are working with even greater strength. The mood is good, although the rentals are not very good. What kind of content am I planning? I won't tell you a secret (laughs). I don't know yet, so far only developments, "said the 17-year-old figure skater.

  • RIA Novosti

An unusual arbitrary to the music from the series "The Queen's Move" turned out to be Alina Gorbacheva. According to the girl, it turned out to be difficult to get used to the image, but she really likes the melody, because it sinks into the soul.

"At the beginning, I tell you how she loved to play chess, but she could only play on the board once a week, and the rest of the time she played in her head, imagined the board on the ceiling. At the first movements, I just show how I play on the ceiling. Then I tell the story of this heroine in the program, and at the end my track is about her most difficult part. How difficult it was for her at that moment. I try to convey her emotions and feelings. As a result, she wins and throws a chess elephant off the board," Gorbachev explained.

Adelia Petrosyan was also not very pleased with her rental, because she did not manage to give her best on emotions. At the same time, Eteri Tutberidze's ward has already added ultra-C elements to the programs.

"Is it scary to show them at the beginning of the season? I think it's not scary, I must fulfill the bar that was set last season, I hope that I will be able to get back in shape and show similar results," said the skater.

Four from Khudaiberdieva

Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan Bukin, who returned to the ice after a one-year break, admitted that they were very nervous at the rentals, as if it were a Grand Prix stage.

"We enjoyed it because we haven't performed for a long time. Of course, we will continue to work, because the rentals make it clear where the mistakes are. Experts will point to them where you can add. Everyone in the world is working, and we want to. We will celebrate at the end of the season. Now there will be a fruitful realization of what happened," the partner said.

Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva and Yegor Bazin rated their performance in Megasport as four. The champions of Russia put an arbitrary program on a cover version of Whitney Houston's song "I Will Always Love You".

"We fell in love with this melody with the whole coaching staff. We had no doubts - that's it, we wanted it. We started to put it on, and when we got to the end, we started rolling a little bit on the elements, we realized: we have a 4:06 track duration, and for three and a half minutes he sings to break, and we ride to break. After twizzles, active work begins with the third element," Khudaiberdieva said.

At the same time, according to Egor, now you need to competently decompose the forces in the program so that everything looks as harmonious as possible.

"So far, from rental to rental, we are trying to figure out where to give our best, where to breathe, where, on the contrary, to add power. So that it was not only at the end, but also in the middle of the program, "Bazin added.

Igor Eremenko, who has recently performed in ice dancing with Annabel Morozov, in turn, shared his impressions of cooperation with coach Angelica Krylova. According to the skater, the couple was not affected by the situation with Vasilisa Kaganovskaya and Valery Angelopol.

"When we started working in America, we didn't have pairs on the ice at all. We came here, skated with the guys for a while, then they had, say, a certain situation - but this did not affect our training process much. Of course, internal competition is one of the factors to move forward, but not so gigantic. We don't know yet at what stages of the Russian Grand Prix we will perform," Eremenko explained.

Moskvina's support

Competitions of sports pairs were also held with a discussion of the relationship between skaters and mentors. So, Tamara Moskvina, following the rental of her former pupils Alexandra Boykova and Dmitry Kozlovsky, applauded on each of their elements, which journalists could not fail to notice.

"We worked with Tamara Nikolaevna for eight years. At this stage, everything we have won is under her leadership, and we are extremely grateful, we parted perfectly, on a very friendly note. Tamara Nikolaevna has always been a real diplomat, a professional. She had the last conversations with us as sincerely as possible and let us go into a new story for us. I am sure that she, like us, has a warm relationship with each other. Eight years could not pass without a trace," said Kozlovsky.

Alyona Kostornaya and Georgy Kunitsa were surprised again. They danced to music from The Hunger Games. As the couple said, they chose this composition quite by accident.

"It turned out funny. We watched a movie in the evening. Alena liked it, she said that there is another part. In the end, we looked at everything, "the partner admitted.

According to Kostornaya, the mentors supported the idea and even now they will wear brooches on the free program, like the European champion.

"Coaches praise and encourage our ideas, follow our lead. Why not, if the idea is good?" The skater added.

At the same time, the specialists liked the performance of the new duet. According to Inna Goncharenko, this tandem has great potential.

"Kostornaya was bright in single skating, with charisma. Everyone was waiting for its release, because the performance will definitely turn out to be spectacular in terms of elements. I am very glad that she continues in pair skating with a high level of partner. Of course, we need to work on the paired elements, there are a lot of raw moments. But for such a short period of preparation, it is very good. Her pair with Marten seems promising and promising," the coach said.

  • RIA Novosti

There is something to work on Anastasia Mishina and Alexander Gallyamov. On Sunday, they performed under Rick Wakeman's Love's Dream. According to the partner, after the performance it became clear where we need to improve.

"When we arrive in St. Petersburg, we will immediately do it, since there is not much time due to a trip to the show in China," the athlete said.

At the same time, the duo specifically chose lyrical music so that the short and arbitrary programs differed from each other

"There we have powerful cuts, powerful skating to show lines ... Here, of course, too, but here is plastic, love - these are completely different genres, "Gallyamov explained.

The search for motivation and support of Gumennik

The lack of international competitions discourages some athletes, but Dmitry Aliyev is not one of them. According to the skater, he has motivation, "just swims" - and he has to catch it in a sense.

"Where do I find motivation? In fishing! There is a lot of fishing, I bought a new boat for myself. There is a motor one, there is a simple one. In short, I love fishing. Four or five times a week. I have places in St. Petersburg, in the Leningrad region. I am inspired by this, I relax. My dad is an amateur, we exchange information with him, and fishing unites us. Recently I caught a pike about two kilograms. I already have nine fishing rods, I'm burning with it," the athlete shared.

Mark Kondratyuk, in turn, said that he does not suffer from a lack of motivation in domestic competitions.

"I understand with what certain shades this issue does not affect anything. I skate primarily for the sake of my own satisfaction, self-development and for the pleasure of the viewer," said the former European champion after the free skate.

The athlete was also asked if he was ready to express support for Peter Gumennik, who was forced to abandon the use of the song by Rammstein in his performance. The skater stressed that he prefers to speak out on such sensitive topics in a personal conversation, rather than through the press.

Matvey Vetlugin, who purposefully started a public conversation about what happened with a teammate, has a different opinion. He called the situation delusional and called for the separation of art and politics.

And Andrey Mozalev had to explain himself about the costume after the free skate. His outfit turned out to be very similar to the one in which he performed in the short one, and many felt that they were the same clothes. However, it turned out that the costumes, as expected, are two.

"The book has already been opened in the short program, now closed, the second volume. This is the second costume, it's sewn! These are two different costumes. Everyone has already joked, even I was kidding when I forgot one costume, you can ride in another, "Mozalev explained.