In a longer post on Instagram, Jessie Diggins shares that the summer has been a struggle.

"I feel a lot better now thanks to the amazing health team I have around me that I contacted directly, but it feels important to share," she says in a video clip.

In it, she also emphasizes that this summer's setback was not directly about food or exercise, but about the pressure she puts on herself.

Has become a strong voice on the issue

A few years ago, Jessie Diggins chose to openly tell the media that she had bulimia as an elite 18-year-old.

In a frank interview with Norwegian NRK, she described, among other things, how she vomited up her food and how she was very herself.

Since then, the American cross-country skier, who last season won the USA's first individual World Championship gold in the 10-kilometer freestyle in Planica, has become a strong voice on issues related to eating disorders.

"I was very ashamed"

Now 32-year-old Diggins encourages others who have problems to dare to seek help.

"When I was 18 years old and very ill, I didn't know much about eating disorders or mental health. I was very ashamed and afraid to ask for help, she says and continues:

"This time I knew right away that I didn't want to be alone with these feelings and was therefore completely open and honest with my husband, my therapist, my family and my coaches. And they've all been very caring and supportive.

The World Cup season for cross-country skiers begins on November 24 in Ruka, Finland.

Hear more from Jessie Diggins in the player above.