Editor's note:

Heart to heart, Aida future. The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will open on September 9. At the opening of the event, Chinanews.com launched the "Asian Games Eight Questions" series of planning, inviting you to this "future" appointment.

Beijing, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- Following the top stream of the Winter Olympics "Bingdundun", the combination of the mascot of the Hangzhou Asian Games "Jiangnan Yi" has also been welcomed by everyone. At every major sporting event, the mascot is one of the most watched visual identities. From the panda "Panpan" of the Beijing Asian Games to the "Five Sheep" of the Guangzhou Asian Games, and then to the three little ones of the Hangzhou Asian Games, "Chenchen, Qiangqian and Lianlian", these mascots not only carry the memories of the Asian Games of the Chinese, but also highlight the atmosphere of the times.

Data map: On April 4, the naked-eye 1D promotional video of the Asian Games mascot was broadcast in the Wensan Digital Life Block of West Lake District, Hangzhou. Photo by China News Agency reporter Qian Chenfei

The Beijing Asian Games is the first comprehensive international sports event held in China after the reform and opening up. Panda "Panpan", running with a gold medal, is cute and vigorously moving towards the future. The "Five Sheep" of the Guangzhou Asian Games interpret the good wishes of auspiciousness, harmony, happiness and consummation. The mascot of the Hangzhou Asian Games uses robots as the overall shape, and contains rich traditional cultural elements, and three futuristic mascot images interpret the three high-spirited and enterprising spirit of the times.

The Hangzhou Asian Games mascot group is called "Jiangnan Yi", which comes from the famous phrase "Jiangnan Yi, the most remembered is Hangzhou" by the Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi, which integrates Hangzhou's historical humanities, natural ecology and innovation genes. The three mascots were named "Qiang", "Chenchen" and "Lotus".

Mascot "Qiang". Screenshot of the official website of the Hangzhou Asian Games

The design of "Zhu Zhu" is inspired by Liangzhu Yuqian and represents the ruins of the ancient city of Liangzhu, a World Heritage Site. Its whole body is based on yellow from the earth and symbolizes harvest, and the pattern of the head decoration is taken from the iconic symbol of the Liangzhu culture, "the face pattern of gods and people", which means "not afraid of hardships and dangers, beyond oneself". Strong and resolute, generous and kind, strong and enthusiastic, he is good at strength and traditional sports such as martial arts and weightlifting.

Mascot "Chenchen". Screenshot of the official website of the Hangzhou Asian Games

"Chenchen" stands for the World Heritage Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Its whole body is based on science and technology blue, with the rare Qian Jiang Chao on its head, and the pattern of the Gongchen Bridge embedded on its forehead. "Chenchen" is witty and brave, intelligent, optimistic and aggressive, and its favorite sports are speed sports and ball games.

Mascot "Lotus". Screenshot of the official website of the Hangzhou Asian Games

"Lotus Lotus" came from the smoke willow painting bridge of West Lake and the depths of the ten miles of lotus flowers. The lotus leaf headdress is topped by the three pools of the moon and the Internet as the path, with distinctive characteristics. "Lianlian" is pure and kind, lively and lovely, hospitable, beautiful and moving, and is best at skill-based and aquatic sports.

With the approach of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the figures of "Qiang", "Chenchen" and "Lotus" can be seen everywhere on the streets of Hangzhou. So, how were these cute cartoon characters born?

It is reported that the design process of the mascot is relatively long. In April 2019, the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee solicited the design of mascots from around the world. After several rounds of review, key recommendation, and continuous revision, abandonment and innovation by the expert team, the "Jiangnan Memory" combination was officially launched in April 4.

Zhang Wen, the designer of the mascot of the Hangzhou Asian Games, once said: "The core feature of the mascot is affinity, which is to set the atmosphere of the arena in the way of characters or the way of life image. At the same time, the mascot also carries our best wishes for the world, which eventually becomes a wonderful cultural memory of the city. (End)