China News Network Tianjin, September 9 Topic: "Chinese Super League" captain Spaniard Andujar hopes that China will improve the youth training system

Written by Zhang Shaoxuan

At 9:17 on September 19, in the 40th round of the 2023 Chinese Super League, Tianjin Jinmen Tigers played Dalian Renren at home for 25 minutes, and finally won 96-1. After returning from injury, Tianjin's Spanish foreign aid Andujar played the whole game as the captain and became the mainstay of the team's victory.

In 2022, also against Dalian Renren, in the 21st round of the Chinese Super League, Jinmen Tigers also sealed the victory with Andujar's goal and beat their opponents away. At that time, the Spaniard made a celebratory gesture of "sucking the pacifier", sending the goal to his son, who was born shortly after his hometown.

On September 9, Andujar entered with his beloved son in his arms. Photo by Tong Yu

After a year, in the breezy early autumn evening, Andujar can already take the little ones to play together on the lawn of the TEDA Stadium after the game. "It's fun and reassuring to play in China. My whole family loves the atmosphere of Tianjin and the fans, and my biggest wish is to continue to make breakthroughs with the team and welcome more and more victories. ”

David Andujar is the best choice for the starting central defender of Tianjin Jinmen Tigers football team and one of the captains of the team. In the 2023 season of the Chinese Super League, he will play all games as long as he starts, he has been entrusted with heavy responsibilities by coaches, trusted by his teammates, and known as the "team iron gate" by fans.

In the 2022 season, when Andujar first came to China, his son was born in Spain less than 10 days later. He missed his family's "big moment", but he was not affected in the slightest in the arena. He said: "As a professional, being distracted on the field is the most basic quality. ”

On September 9, Andujar (yellow) competed for a header in the match. Photo by Tong Yu

Once, when Andujar left the Spanish club Cartagena, the parting video produced for him by the club wrote: "Thank you, Andujar; Thanks, Captain! After joining the Tianjin Jinmen Tigers, he also regarded the word "responsibility" as his mission on the field.

Foreign players are rare in the Chinese Super League as on-field captains. Andujar plays as a central defender and is not destined to be the goalkeeper of every game like a striker. Teammates say Andujar is more of a guardian, threading needles on the field with the big picture in mind.

"He is the backbone of the team, playing a role in carrying forward the past and the future on the field, and he is also the engine and reassurance of the team, and his composure and sobriety are the catalyst to lead the team forward." Jinmen Tigers head coach Yu Genwei said after the game.

Andujar (right) during a match on September 9. Photo by Tong Yu

On the 17th, Andujar, who returned from injury, showed his usual style of general. Shouting again and again on the field, summoning teammates to assist in the defense; Decisive passes at key moments, organizes the team to launch an effective attack, and creates a good chance to score.

"China's hot football market is something I didn't expect before, and the 28550,<> fans on the scene are our driving force and inspire everyone's potential. Whenever we play at home, we go around the stadium after the game to thank the fans. When I saw the flags that the fans made for me in the stands, I felt like I had become part of the city. Andujar said.

Fan Zhang Hao has been paying attention to football since 1995 and is very precious about the foreign aid brought in by the Tianjin team. From Oswaldo to Zola, from Luciano to Zoric , he described Andujar as a "chaser of light" who helped the team and led the team forward.

Andujar applauds the audience after the game on September 9. Photo by Tong Yu

Andujar believes that "cohesion" and "team spirit" are the keys on the field. As captain, he knows that he also has to be the "tranquilizer" of the team.

Whenever there is a controversial penalty, Andujar always communicates with the referee as soon as possible. In his opinion, the fluent English level of Chinese football referees can make communication without barriers. Some of the contradictions in the arena were gradually resolved in such exchanges.

When talking about the development status of Chinese football, he said that Spain has a complete youth training system, children of all ages can participate in different echelons of leagues, and have rich experience in games and perfect technical and tactical training from an early age. "Chinese football can put more thought into establishing a complete echelon structure and providing more practical opportunities for young people."

When walking from the field to the off-field, Andujar in life is a "culture lover". He is fascinated by Chinese history, has also toured the Great Wall and the Forbidden City with other foreign players in Tianjin, and praised the depth and subtlety of oriental culture on social media. "In my spare time, I like to stroll along the Haihe River with my lover and son to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the city. Tianjin is a great place to live, I also want to travel to more cities in China, and football has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in different cultures, which I am grateful for. (End)