According to the website of the State General Administration of Sports, the General Office of the General Administration of Sports issued a notice on taking major sports events as an opportunity to organize and carry out sports consumption promotion activities. It is mentioned that sports market entities should be guided to innovate marketing content methods, apply modern information technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, create digital consumption scenarios, and continuously improve sports consumption experience.

In order to further stimulate the vitality of the sports market and release the potential of the sports market, the General Administration of Sports has decided to organize and launch sports consumption promotion activities (hereinafter referred to as "consumption activities") held successively across the country, which will last until the Spring Festival in 2024. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

The first is to highlight the theme of the event. It is necessary to combine major events, high-quality events and sports events with national characteristics, organize and carry out various consumption activities according to local conditions, especially seize the window period for holding large-scale international and domestic comprehensive sports such as the Hangzhou Asian Games, Guangxi Youth Games, and Inner Mongolia Winter Games, and hold consumption seasons, consumption months, consumption weeks and other activities to create a strong consumption atmosphere. In the process of planning, organizing and holding various sports events and mass fitness activities, it is necessary to take the guidance and promotion of sports consumption as an important starting point, and effectively give play to the leading role of event activities in sports consumption.

The second is to enrich the content of consumption activities. It is necessary to focus on meeting the needs of different consumer groups such as teenagers, women, the elderly, and families, focus on emerging consumption hotspots, new consumption formats, and new consumption scenarios, strengthen the linkage and coordination between government, enterprise, bank and commerce, and widely mobilize and organize sports enterprises and institutions, financial institutions, e-commerce platforms, new media platforms, etc., to plan and implement a number of colorful sports consumption activities to benefit the people. Enrich the supply of event activities, create a series of highly ornamental and participatory events, and cultivate event brands with independent intellectual property rights. Tap into the consumption potential of nighttime sports.

The third is to introduce measures to benefit the people through consumption. Encourage all localities to establish a normalized consumption promotion mechanism, introduce measures to benefit the people such as sports consumption vouchers in accordance with local conditions, and encourage public sports venues to extend their free or low-cost opening hours to the public. Support all localities to strengthen cooperation in sports consumption linkage, implement policies of reciprocity in consumption, and jointly organize consumption activities. Promote national sports and fitness model cities and counties and national sports consumption pilot cities to further strengthen sports consumption policy innovation, and encourage and guide sports market entities in the region to carry out promotional activities. Promote the National Sports Industry Base and the National Sports Tourism Demonstration Base to launch preferential promotion measures with their own characteristics, and increase the efforts to benefit the people.

The fourth is to innovate the form of consumption activities. Guide sports market entities to innovate marketing content methods, apply modern information technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, create digital consumption scenarios, and continuously improve sports consumption experience. Encourage regions with the capacity to establish sports consumption electronic maps and sports consumption online trading platforms to provide intelligent support for sports consumption. Promote online sports consumption such as online sports events and online sports training, and create a new consumption model for coordinated development of online and offline.

Fifth, promote the integrated development of the industry. Closely communicate and cooperate with the cultural and tourism departments, strengthen the integrated planning and development of cultural, sports and tourism activities, and launch a number of "sports + cultural tourism" high-quality cultural and sports tourism integration industry projects. Deeply promote the integrated development of sports with culture, tourism, health care and other industries, combine international, national and regional major sports events, realize multi-format integration and multi-scene construction, enhance the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in physical exercise, and further promote sports and related consumption.

Sixth, strengthen the publicity and guidance of activities. It is necessary to take the initiative to make good use of central and local media resources, actively dock with new media platforms, broaden publicity channels, enrich publicity forms, vigorously disseminate sports culture, carry forward the Chinese sports spirit, stimulate the enthusiasm of the people to participate in sports, and expand the influence of consumption activities. It is necessary to strengthen the statistical monitoring and analysis of sports consumption, grasp the changes in the scale and structure of sports consumption, summarize the results in a timely manner, and use data to "speak" to clearly show the results of consumption activities.

The State General Administration of Sports requires that all localities should strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination, take the initiative to take action, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and form a joint force in work. It is necessary to actively plan, carefully plan, and earnestly implement, and guide all kinds of market entities to actively participate. It is necessary to cut and compact the responsibility for safe production and ensure that the consumption activities are safe, exciting, vivid and colorful.