CCTV News: In 2023, in Shenzhen's night-time economic consumption, the most obvious growth is in various sports.

At 8 p.m., a sports complex in the Nanshan Science and Technology Park in Shenzhen, Guangdong, ushered in a small peak of passenger flow for the day. Fitness coach Huang Jingyu told reporters that since 2023, more and more students have scheduled classes at night.

Li Yakun used to work in human resources in a company, and by chance he came across flag football and smelled the business opportunities inside. So he decisively resigned and set up a club specializing in playing ball, and the number of members has grown from fifty or sixty at the beginning of the year to more than 500 now.

Data show that from July to August 2023, the order size of night sports and fitness in Shenzhen increased by 7% year-on-year, of which the order volume of ball sports increased by nearly 8%.

Jiang Hao, the person in charge of this sports community venue in the central area of Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, mainly focuses on various ball games, and the venue reservation rate reaches more than 80% on weekday evenings and weekends, and the usual individual bookings need to be booked 7 to 14 days in advance.

"One-stop" to meet diversified needs Night sports communities are highly social

These night sports venues not only have a variety of sports projects, consumers can also "one-stop" here to meet various needs such as eating, drinking and entertainment, and the strong social attributes have attracted many young people to check in.

In a rooftop sports complex venue in Nanshan District Science and Technology Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, the reporter saw that in the open-air venue of more than 2000,<> square meters, there were people who played ball, there were fitness, and there were skewers while watching the game, which was very comfortable.

Zhang Jialing is a basketball enthusiast, because she has not been in Shenzhen for a long time and has not met many friends, it has become a luxury to form a team to play basketball. Later, she discovered that there was a sports community next to the building where she worked, not only playing ball, but also meeting many new people. Since then, Zhang Jialing has become a frequent visitor here.

Li Rui told reporters that because of the large water loss after exercise, beer has become the first place in sales in their night sports community complex. During hot weather, the increase in the attendance rate of the venue has also led to a doubling of beer sales.