BEIJING, Sept 9 (ZXIN) -- The night after Chongqing Wolves won the final of the KPL Summer Losers' Division, Fly slept only two hours. A few days later, he will step into the finals for the 8th time, which should be "familiar with the road", but Fly looks a little stressed before the game.

This is the 7th year of Fly's career, and he and the little fat man who first debuted have already been judged, but occasionally there is a little childishness on his face. Along the way, he has received praise and met doubts, and he is already the most honored player in the Glory of Kings professional arena, but he feels that his career still has a long way to go.


As the summer draws to a close, Fly sometimes loses sleep. On those quiet nights, he lay in bed for an hour or two, tossing and turning and unable to sleep. Faced with menacing young players and his own expectations of results, Fly inevitably fell into anxiety.

In fact, he is not yet 23 years old and he would probably be "stunned" in other industries, but esports is an exception. Fly's real name is Peng Yunfei, fans call him "Flying Bull General", a fierce and fierce "general" in the arena, and he will also be unable to sleep due to pressure.

"I also thought about it later, I have been playing for a long time, and this year is my 7th year. E-sports is originally full of unknowns, the state of this thing, I think it is floating, I can accept that I am not the peak for the time being, but I will work hard towards the peak. ”

Fly。 Photo courtesy of interviewee

Fly persuaded himself to ease his anxiety, but when asked if he still felt the best, he laughed and said "that's for sure."

In his seventh year of his career, Fly won the KPL Spring Tournament and won the FMVP, and the Summer Tournament reached the Grand Final – his 7th Grand Final. For Fly, the process is far from smooth, and the competition among the players in the team and the ups and downs of the team's state have made him face great public pressure.

Talking about this summer, he paused before he spoke: "Every training is growth, and if I can survive this time, this is also a valuable experience for me." In addition to esports, I feel that my mentality and willpower have been exercised in my life. ”

The word "exercise" itself looks rough, and Fly's "exercise" is no exception. He looked away a little and laughed a little helplessly: "The process is painful, we e-sports is, as long as the result is good, it doesn't matter how painful the process is." ”

Fly。 Photo courtesy of interviewee


In 2015, Peng Yunfei left home alone and came to Shanghai, which is full of high-rise buildings. At that time, he was not yet the "Fly" in the glory of kings, and in the back kitchen of the restaurant that was mentioned countless times, the 15-year-old boy was responsible for "playing lotus", smelling the fireworks day after day, and felt that he understood the rules of the world for the first time.

"My luck should be better." He said the rise of the Honor of Kings Pro event changed the course of his life. Fly officially started his career in 2016, and despite the many twists and turns of his debut, he still feels lucky because he believes that he has been helped by a lot of people.

In March, Fly celebrated its 3th anniversary on KPL. He is in his 6th year, holding 7 championships and 8 FMVPs, and is about to attack the 7th championship. The tears and sweat Fly put in behind the results can be imagined, but the doubts in his ears have always been there.

"Every year there are doubts, but every year there are doubts that are broken. I myself am also the kind that wants to prove myself, with this kind of backbone, others say I can't do it, I think I can do it myself. ”

Fly。 Photo courtesy of interviewee

Today's Fly is very talkative, and there is almost no trace of the once reticent speech. He talks frankly about his stress and does not hide any negative emotions, but none of them show confusion or confusion for a moment.

This is probably because his past professional experience has told him that he will eventually overcome these pressures, or because he knows that his "backbone" can still hold up.

"If you have chosen this industry, you will have to face some bad reviews, which is normal. There are a lot of people who come looking at you with a magnifying glass, like I do now, and there are people who want to see me make mistakes. I don't think you need to be too much in the unexpected world, just be yourself and have a self-awareness of yourself. Fly said.


In the esports arena, veterans often talk more about the past than the future. Fly is an exception, admitting with a smile that he feels his future is still long: "I want to win the championship every year, every championship has me, but it is definitely impossible, so I have to work hard for it." ”

Fly。 Photo courtesy of interviewee

Fly's goal is to hit the 10th year, "and now it feels like there may be a little bit more resistance than before, and there will be a little more things to encounter." I didn't aspire to fight 10 years ago, all I wanted was to enjoy the moment, but after having a goal, I thought about it carefully, this is only the 7th year of resistance is so great, then the 8th year and 9th year can not fight? ”

He said there was definitely resistance, but "it was difficult to get through." At this time, he is indeed a "veteran", and his tone cannot help but have a slight taste of vicissitudes.

But after all, he is still young, and when he mentions the comings and goings of his teammates over the years, Fly confesses with a smile that he seems to be a "child who doesn't grow up", and he can only hold on when he encounters parting scenes. Such a contrast is probably a trace of his growth, the mature Fly and the young Peng Yunfei, moving forward in unison.

Fly。 Photo courtesy of interviewee

"You can't vent your emotions anytime, anywhere, you have to control your emotions, and think about everything. When I first played before, I didn't have any troubles, I could do whatever I wanted, and I could say whatever I wanted, which was indeed a relatively happy time period. Fly says it's the price of maturity, but it's all worth it.

Now, he just wants to win every game in front of him. "Later, I found out that e-sports is actually not happy, only winning to the end is happy, you can win." (End)