The last time Sweden won the European Team Table Tennis Championships was in Croatian Zagreb in 2002. Then, just as when Sweden won the tournament in Bremen two years earlier, Jörgen Persson was part of the Swedish team.

Now the same Persson is the head coach, and very hopeful.

"It looks very good. I think it's time to win at home again. We have a good young team mixed with some older players. Truls (Möregårdh) showed good form a week ago when he reached the semis in Kazakhstan, and then we have Anton Källberg who is a young guy who played well in the Bundesliga and then we have Kristian Karlsson and Mattias Falck who are experienced together with Jon Persson, says Jörgen Persson.

The championship starts on Sunday.

Listen to Persson talk about the Swedish chances in the clip above