Stéphane Place (in Bordeaux) / Photo credits: Anne-Christine POUJOULAT / AFP 07h34, September 08, 2023

Every day, Europe 1 looks at an everyday idea or problem. And today is the start of the Rugby World Cup! In the southwest, land of oval, many jostle their schedules so as not to miss important meetings. But if the final is still far away, the happiness of living this great competition is already perceptible among enthusiasts.

Concentrated in front of his TV, at home, with family, friends around a barbecue or around the giant screen of the rugby village - which will open its doors this Friday evening on the quays of Bordeaux - all these Girondins will not miss a second of this World Cup. Pierre, great passionate, salivating in advance. "That's clearly going to be the priority. In general when there is a match the phone will be turned off. Beers, a bar, a good screen. I'm 46 years old and I think I'm still at full strength like I'm 18," he says, excited.

>> PODCAST - The day the rugby France team went to train... in prison

"It's a party"

The atmosphere, beyond the result or the quality of the game, is what counts for Pascal who will attend this Saturday in the stands in Bordeaux the match between the Irish and Romanians. "It's a party with the Irish spectators. In rugby, usually spectators are much friendlier when they make the effort to go to another country to support their team, they are actually much more festive.

No ticket to go see a match but a total enthusiasm that Louisette gladly shares at the microphone of Europe 1. "I can't wait! I go to watch it on TV, all the time. It's not the same mentality as football. I love it, that's it!" she exclaims. And everywhere in the region will open this Friday evening fanzones to follow the matches of this World Cup in a festive atmosphere. And for the opening match, the France faces this Friday the formidable All Blacks. Kick-off for this duel against the New Zealanders at 21 pm, at the stadium of France.