Wuhan Evening News (Reporter Zhang Lin) On the morning of September 9, the 7 Second "Yellow Crane Tower" Cup National Amateur Go King Tournament opened in Han, and the final and award ceremony of this competition were set up in the world's first place building Yellow Crane Tower. At that time, 2023 chess players from the group stage will compete in the lobby on the fourth floor of the Yellow Crane Tower to determine the final amateur Go "king of kings".

This is the second consecutive year that the competition has been held. Last year's first tournament caused a sensation because of its high level, high specifications and high prize money, and was known as the "ceiling" of domestic amateur Go tournaments. This year's tournament has reached a higher level, with 64 of the 7 participating chess players in the amateur eight-dan, including "king-level" players such as Bai Baoxiang and Ma Tianfang, as well as newly promoted eight-dan players such as Chen Yang and Pan Wenjun, the champions and runners-up of last year's tournament. There are nearly 20 seven-dan players and nearly 30 six-dan players, representing the highest level in the national amateur Go community, and the competition is more fierce than last year.

At the opening ceremony, Chen Lingkai, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Go Association, brought the greetings and blessings of Chang Hao, the new chairman of the China Go Association. Chen Lingkai highly praised the "Yellow Crane Tower" cup in his speech. "At present, one of the amateur Go elite tournaments with the highest level of participation and the greatest influence in China, which is loved by amateur masters. In addition, the 'Yellow Crane Tower' Cup is held in a five-star hotel according to the specifications of professional competitions, and provides free food and accommodation to all participants, which is one of the few national amateur Go tournaments. He also said, "This year's final is set on the Yellow Crane Tower, and the event has become a veritable 'Yellow Crane Tower' Cup, which fully reflects the organizer's pursuit of high-quality competition philosophy, and at the same time plays an important demonstration role in improving the specifications and quality of the national amateur Go competition." ”

The competition is sponsored by the China Go Association, organized by Wuhan Sports Bureau, supported by Hubei Go Association, and co-organized by Wuhan Social Sports Guidance Center, Jianghan District Culture and Tourism Bureau (Sports Bureau), and Wuhan Go Association. Yu Qingyuan, president of the Municipal Go Association, told reporters: "Last year's tournament caused a shock in the circle, and this year it has gone further. Chang Hao, chairman of the China Go Association, was also full of praise for the event, saying that the specifications were higher than professional competitions, and the Yellow Crane Tower in the final became the biggest highlight of this year's event. ”

Yu Qingyuan said that the continuous holding of the "Yellow Crane Tower" Cup highlights the deep Go foundation in Wuhan, Hubei Province, and also plays a positive role in further promoting the popularization of Go projects in the region. "The Municipal Go Association has been vigorously promoting the integration of Go into the campus and sports and education, and after nearly ten years of efforts, the current Go atmosphere and population in Wuhan have been greatly improved. In the next step, we want to improve and cultivate more high-level chess players while continuing to do a good job in popularization. Last year, Zheng Daisong, who we sponsored, was successfully promoted to a professional chess player, and we look forward to more potential young chess players in the future. ”

According to reports, this competition adopts the latest Go competition rules approved by the Chinese Go Association, 64 chess players are divided into 2 groups, using the points arrangement system for 6 rounds, and the top 12 of each group enter the final on the 9th. In the final, 2 groups of the same ranking were used to determine the final ranking of 24 players.