【Commentary】Recently, Tianjin Lion Forest Bridge diving exploded all over the network, many tourists came to experience diving, on September 9, "Tianjin Diving Masters" decided to withdraw from Lion Forest Bridge diving, and proposed everyone to jump in professional indoor venues. What are the dangers of diving? What should I pay attention to when trying to dive? He Chong, the men's singles 6-meter springboard diving champion at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, was interviewed by China News Agency.

He Chong said that he also went to the Lion Forest Bridge to experience diving a few days ago, and felt that everyone was very happy with their enthusiasm for diving, but the diving environment there is not friendly to ordinary people.

【During the same period】2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's single <>-meter springboard diving champion He Chong

I think it's a very good thing to have this love for diving, and for me I think it's happy. First of all (Lion Forest Bridge) is actually unfriendly to ordinary people in the environment, because first of all it is to cross the railing of the bridge to the outside of the bridge, and in the case of the outside of the bridge, it is a very narrow distance, about 10 cm, so the safety of standing alone is actually a certain danger. Second, it is a sea river after all, and we don't know how deep the water is.

【Commentary】There have been many accidents such as divers being "stunned" by the water in the Lion Forest Bridge, and He Chong said that if the diver enters the water with a flat chest pat on the surface, it will cause breathing difficulties and other situations.

【During the same period】2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's single <>-meter springboard diving champion He Chong

First of all, water it has density, large area of water its density is higher, many people try to face forward such a "fish jump", at this time it is possible that our chest cavity is directly flat on the surface of the water, it beats down, our respiratory tract will immediately contract, you will find that your entire chest cavity will not breathe, and at this time when a person has difficulty breathing, the most likely to faint and hands and feet can not control.

【Commentary】How to try diving correctly? He Chong gave advice.

【During the same period】2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's single <>-meter springboard diving champion He Chong

First of all, the most basic thing is that you have to be able to swim, which is the most basic, because if you can't swim, you can't save yourself by jumping into the water. In a clean environment, there is enough water, make sure the water is at least 4 meters deep, if the water depth does not exceed 4 meters, do any action you may go down directly to the bottom.

【Commentary】He Chong introduced that beginners diving posture is recommended to choose the "popsicle style" action of landing their feet first.

【During the same period】2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's single <>-meter springboard diving champion He Chong

The (diving) movement you choose, I still recommend a simple "popsicle", that is, a movement of directly hitting the water first. If there is not much basic ability to exercise, diving forward should not protect our private parts, but should put our hands on our chest to prevent our chest cavity from directly touching the water.

【Commentary】The height of diving should also be noted, He Chong said that it is not recommended for beginners to choose diving at a height of more than 10 meters.

【During the same period】2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's single <>-meter springboard diving champion He Chong

More than 10 meters, the stay in the air will become longer, and this length will have wind resistance, environmental factors, and body control and other abilities, all kinds of reasons will make you weightless in the air, and this weightlessness will cause you to sit down on the butt, it may be that the chest cavity is directly in contact with the water, these irregular falling into the water will cause people to faint.

He Chong believes that diving is a sport that can help you recognize yourself and challenge yourself, you can try it, but people who can't swim and don't exercise often need to be cautious.

【During the same period】2008 Beijing Olympic Games men's single <>-meter springboard diving champion He Chong

It (diving) is actually a sport that allows you to really see yourself clearly, because when people "fish" into the air, when you are weightless, at that moment you really have the potential to reach a "open-minded" time. Diving is not only a sport, but also a sport that challenges themselves, so I hope to be able to swim, and people who usually like sports also participate in diving sports, as long as it is safe in the environment, we can try it.

Dong Zeyu reported from Beijing

Responsible Editor: [Li Ji]