On Wednesday, Tove Alexandersson won the sprint from the World Cup races in the Czech Republic. When it was time for middle distance, she was once again the best of all.

At the finish she was 1.07 ahead of Simon Aebersold, Switzerland, who was second. Another 24 behind was Sanna Fast who was third.

The podium was Fast's first of the season. She believes that the star Alexandersson is a good role model to have in front of her.

"It means a lot. She pushes new boundaries all the time. There is a lot to learn from her. It's a lot, really," Fast says.

Alexandersson now extends the lead in the total, which she leads ahead of teammate Sara Hagström.

"I oriented very well in the beginning. Then I made a fool of myself a little bit at the end, it's always a bit hard because I had a very good race going on," says Alexandersson.

Swedish bloody in the target area

Sweden had four in the top five.

Tomorrow the World Cup races end in Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic with the long distance.

CLIP: Hear Alexandersson after World Cup victory number 44

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Tove Alexandersson after her career, 44th World Cup victory