Julia Solans / Photo credit: Geoffroy Van der Hasselt / AFP 12:10 pm, August 05, 2023

Paris is preparing to host the Olympic Games in just over a year and the debates around its organization continue. Invited to the microphone of Europe 1 in "And if we spoke sport" by Jacques Vendroux, LFI MP Alexis Corbière shared his point of view on the most anticipated sporting event of the year and denounced some decisions.

Billions of euros have been released to host the Olympic Games in the capital in 2024. Despite the joy and impatience of hosting one of the most watched sports competitions in the world, many debates persist around the event, including the decisions made by the government.

For example, the Paris police prefecture has requested the removal of the famous green boxes held by booksellers for the occasion. At the microphone of Europe 1, the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, Alexis Corbière, returned to these future Games criticized by some.

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A poorly distributed budget?

The entire budget granted will mainly be used for the construction of the Olympic Village, which Alexis Corbière deplores after insisting on the fact that his department is under-equipped from a sporting point of view and is well below the national average. "There is a certain disappointment," he said at the microphone of Europe 1.

The MP took the opportunity to address the subject of workers employed on construction sites to prepare for this competition. "There are important sites on which many large companies still use a lot of people with undocumented situations, precariousness, which I strongly dislike. Labour law exists!" he exclaims. The LFI MP then asked for a labour inspection for all shadow workers on this site.

"I don't turn off my rebellious man's brain"

A sports enthusiast, Alexis Corbière nevertheless refuses to extinguish his "brain of a rebellious man, a man who wants justice and equality, who is on the side of the workers, of those who produce to obtain a sporting spectacle".

The deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis admitted that a good number of his friends are still "very critical of these Games and would have considered that they should not be hosted". On this point, the former Paris councillor is a little more nuanced. "I want social games, ecological games and the promises made by the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games in Paris," said the LFI MP.

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The goal is to help young people in Seine-Saint-Denis, where the deputy recalled that one in two children does not know how to swim for lack of means and sports equipment. Alexis Corbière also addressed the issue of the exorbitant price of tickets to attend the event.

A subject that was much criticized when tickets went on sale. "I wouldn't want the kids of Seine-Saint-Denis to watch only on TV a show that takes place a few kilometers from home." The goal is then not to "stray too far from the Olympic spirit".