The Swedish Football Association and its chairman Fredrik Reinfeldt are in Melbourne to follow the Swedish national team's remaining journey in the World Cup. He is happy with what he has seen from the championship and highlights several changes introduced by Fifa.

Among other things, the expansion to 32 teams, the handling of the captain's bindings for the championship and the increased compensation.

"I think the decision to expand to 32 teams has turned out very well. I think you should acknowledge the changes and improvements that have actually been made before this Women's World Cup," Reinfeldt said at a press conference.

Six continents

Reinfeldt is careful to point out how women's football is developing in the right direction.

"What we are experiencing here on site is the next big development step for women's football. With the playoffs starting today that actually, as the playoff places have been distributed, cover the whole world. It's very impressive. We have North America, South America, the Caribbean, Asia and Oceania. It is true that half of the teams that are in the play-offs are European teams. But it is very noteworthy that three are also from Africa, he says and continues:

"Global football is now also on the women's side, it's a great success. It means that there is talk about women's football all over the world now, I think you should remember that.

Responding to criticism: "Different now"

The Swedish Football Association has received harsh criticism from former national team stars for not showing the women's national team sufficient appreciation over the years and during championships, in comparison to the men's national team. The former prime minister understands the views.

"Of course, you have to respect what those players express. I took office on 25 March. I hope they will feel that things will be different now.