Berlin, August 8 (ZXS) -- The 5 FINA Diving World Cup Super Finals kicked off on the 2023th in Berlin, Germany, and the Chinese diving team won four gold medals on the first day of competition, becoming the biggest winner of the day. Chen Yuxi/Quan Hongchan, who successfully defended their title at the Fukuoka World Swimming Championships, performed well in the first race, easily winning the women's double 4m platform gold medal.

In this battle, the powerful Chen Qianxi/Quan Hongchan led the whole way, and finally won the championship with 362.76 points, 74.76 points ahead of the second-place Canadian combination, which was also the largest difference between the champions and runners-up in the four finals of the day.

Despite their outstanding results, the two were not satisfied with their performance. After the match, Chen Qianxi believed that this competition was as important as the World Championships, but the two competitions were close in time and there was a lack of physical fitness, and there was still room for improvement from the perspective of this performance. Quan Hongchan said bluntly: "This dance is not good, and many links are not done well. ”

On August 8, the Chinese pair Chen Yuxi/Quan Hongchan won the women's double 4m Taichung championship in the 2023 FINA Diving World Cup Super Finals held in Berlin, Germany. Photo by China News Agency reporter Ma Xiuxiu

In the other three finals played on the same day, the Chinese players also performed well. After two World Cup races and the World Championships, the youngster Long Daoyi became more and more mature, winning the gold medal in the men's double 3m springboard side by side with Olympic champion Wang Zongyuan. Chen Yiwen/Chang Yani took the gold medal in the women's double 3m springboard. Yang Hao/Lian Junjie, who competed in the men's double 3m platform, scored five 10 points in the second round of the competition, and the Lectra Australia combination won the championship.

The Diving World Cup Super Finals is the grand finale of the season in the international diving community, with a total of 9 events. The Chinese diving team, which won 12 gold medals at the Fukuoka World Swimming Championships, sent its full team to compete in all events, aiming for all nine gold medals. (End)