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Rabah Slimani will hold against Fiji. Anne-Christine POUJOULAT / AFP

Faced with the need to gain confidence and automatisms at ten months of the World Cup, the coach of the XV of France Jacques Brunel has largely extended his starting team to face Saturday, November 24, Fiji close the test-matches in November . On the bench in the first two meetings, Rabah Slimani is titular.

Rabah Slimani will finish the tour of the XV of France in the shoes of a holder against Fiji. Slimani (29 years old, 49 sel.), A blue maiden in recent seasons, but only called for November after the Uini Atonio breakaway at the start of the rally, is preferred to the post of right pillar at Cedate Gomes Sa. The player de Clermont had initially been left out this fall due to his lack of activity in the game, before being recalled. The Clermont pillar had started the first two games against South Africa and Argentina on the bench.

" It's to encourage him "

" Slimani made a very satisfactory start (against Argentina, Ed). He was good in the essential sector (of the scrum) and more active in the game as he was asked. It is to encourage him to go in this direction, "commented Jacques Brunel, who emphasized having demonstrated" continuity ".

Leaving Stade Français in 2017, Rabah Slimani said he wanted a different management of playing time to focus on his international career. " In Paris, I have always played a lot, a lot given. It has sometimes served me for my international career. And I want to put all the chances on my side, "he said in the columns of Midi-Olympique.

The coaching of the XV of France reproached Slimani a lack of mobility in the current game. " I have to get up faster, to be available more quickly. This is a weak point for a long time that I try to erase. I started working with Clermont during the offseason preparation, "explained Slimani.

Slimani and the closed scrum

The coach of the XV of France also criticized its problems of liaison in closed scrums, sanctioned at the international level. " You tell me about the referees who target me. But there is not that much. I have the impression that I am judged only on two matches (last season), England (Tournament-2018, refereed by South African Jaco Peyper, Editor's note) and New Zealand (autumn 2017, by Australian Angus Gardner), where I took, I believe, each time three penalties. It's a lot. But the others do not break my head, "said Slimani.

" Of course I was a little upset, but with a little hindsight, I thought it was the law of sport. Players come, others come out. I did not experience it as an injustice. I will not cry because I am not caught, "commented Rabah Slimani, before taking advantage of the package Uini Atonio.

The starting XV: Fall - T. Thomas, Bastareaud, Fickou, Huget - (o) Lopez, (m) Serin - Iturria, Picamoles, Lauret - Maestri, Vahaamahina - Slimani, Guirado (cape), Poirot
Substitutes: J. Marchand, Priso, Bamba, Lambey, Galletier, A. Dupont, Belleau, Doumayrou