The draw for the first round of the French Women's Cup took place on Wednesday afternoon. If sportingly, Orvault (R1) and Nantes (R1) avoided the formations of D2, they will however have to make with two long displacements.

The draw of the first federal round (64th final) was held yesterday afternoon. The last two representatives of Loire-Atlantique will have a long trip on Sunday, November 25th. Orvault SF (R1) will travel to Finistère to Dirinon (R2 Bretagne). "Last year, we had been to Langoat (Côtes-d'Armor) so we will begin to know Brittany, joking Christophe Charbonnier, coach Orvaltais. We will not complain because it was the only R2 team in our group in the draw. But they have just eliminated FC Lorient so we must be wary because we want to go as far as possible. "

READ ALSO: The full draw for the first federal round

For its part, FC Nantes will move to Eysines (R1), north of Bordeaux. "We have a lack of knowledge of the level of the New Aquitaine R1, says Tanguy Fétiveau, the technician from Nantes. We want to take advantage of the cup to confront teams that can prepare us for our big league games. We want to spend this tour! "