Suddenly, without any introductions, one of the wrestlers threw his opponent into the ground with a cement block on his head and left him swimming with his blood outside the ring.

The tragedy took place in Mexico in one of the amateur wrestling competitions, where the Mexican wrestler Angel or Domonio brought two of them outside the ring and put them inside. When the competition intensified with his rival Puerto Cuervo took one of the molds and threw him out of the ring and wanted to finish him, The wrestler, nicknamed the "black crow," helped stand up and take him to the hospital.

According to the latest news from Mexico, the wrestler underwent a successful operation in the head and needs ten days to recover, and revealed X-rays suffered a skull fracture and blood clot in the head.

At first sight, the spectators thought that the cement molds brought by the Mexican wrestler - which the authorities had arrested - were not true and only realized the magnitude of the tragedy after the blood was found around the Puerto Rican wrestler after he fell to the ground.

It was not yet known whether the promising wrestler who had predicted a promising future would be able to return to wrestling circles because the strike was at the back of the head.