The revelations of Football Leaks issued yesterday have, once again, shook the world of professional football. With a case of ethnic registration in the PSG, the case of "quotas", dating from 2010, returns to the table. Kylian Mbappé, 12 years old at the time, speaks.

With the new information delivered by Mediapart last night, the problem of "quotas" resurfaced in the world of professional football. Nevertheless, the file that was thought closed, is still relevant with the ethnic database, PSG recruitment system from 2012 to 2018.

Kylian Mbappé, then 12 years old, was speaking for an AFP documentary about the "quotas" affair. He and other young Bondy players had spoken. "If we look in history, the best were the blacks and Arabs, apart from Platini, Cantona and all that," said the new world champion, still amateur at the time.

+ Football Leaks. A bonus of 375,000 euros to the PSG to applaud the public