Andre-Pierre Gignac roared and his Tigers, though led, won: four goals and a decisive pass by the French striker allowed his team to dominate Puebla 6-1 Saturday at the 16th day of the championship of Mexico.

First career quadruple for André Pierre Gignac! It was not necessary to provoke the tricolor Tiger, must say the Canadian Lucas Cavallini who opened the score for Puebla in the 18th minute (0-1). For two minutes later Gignac gave a first strike by leveling at close range, the video referee confirming that he was not in an offside position (1-1).

The Chilean Eduardo Vargas gave the advantage to the Tigers (2-1, 38th) and Gignac finished the first period with the bitten teeth: a direct free-kick (3-1, 45th) and a cross from the left for Vargas just before to return to the cloakroom (4-1, 45 + 4).

In the second half, Gignac was always hungry ... could regret the Uruguayan goalkeeper of Puebla Nicolas Vikonis who could not fight against a shot cross the French for 5-1 and, a little later, on a new shot from the former Blue from the entrance to the penalty area (6-1).

Quadrupled for gignac, he's monstrous this guy

- PAYET (@mathoubmx) November 11, 2018

With this fourfold, Gignac consolidates his place at the top of the ranking of the scorers of the championship of Mexico: it counts 14 achievements is three more than its first pursuer, the Argentine Julio Furch who plays Sunday with Santos. In the championship, the Tigers are 5th but under the threat of Toluca and Pumas who clash Sunday.