The key to the meeting, which took place at the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, was the first period, in the middle of which Valery Bragin’s charges had upset the opponent four times in 320 seconds. Grigoriy Denisenko, Stepan Starkov, Alexander Alekseev and Nikita Shashkov were struck by the opponent’s goal.

In the two remaining 20-minutes, the Russians excelled four more times - the double was designed by Klim Kostin, one goal was scored by Cyril Blind and Ilya Morozov, and the opponent was defeated by 8: 3.

At the same time, goalkeepers Petr Kochetkov and Daniil Tarasov reflected 33 shots out of 36 for two, which were inflicted by rival players on their gates.

In the semifinals, on January 4, the Russian team will play with the US team.

Earlier it was reported that Switzerland sensationally prevailed over the national team of Sweden with a score of 2: 0.