
In the KBO League Korea Series 4 game, Doosan took a thrilling victory against SK and turned to the game with a 2-2 record in the series. Suk Bin won 8 times with a dramatic reverse run home run.

I am a reporter.


Doosan has struggled with the smash of SK Akie Kim Gwang-hyeon.

He scored six hits in the sixth inning but failed to score a goal.

Lindblum made three runs and scored one runner to SK Kim Kang-min.

Doosan made a dramatic reversal after Kim Kwang Hyun went down the mound.

Bae Min-gi who played for the first time in the Korean series after losing to 1-on-0, hit a heavy battle against SK relief pitcher Sanchez in the first inning.

I took a short bat and took a 152-kph fastball to lightly fence the right fence of the literary ballpark, the shortest distance to the fence.

In the mound, Ace Lindblum scored 10 strikeouts with three hits and one run in the seventh inning and set the stage for the winner.

Doosan, who won 2-1, rebalanced with 2-2.

[Suh Bin / Doosan Outfielder: Today's homerun seems to be much better than the home run in the Korean series in 2015. It seemed to be a necessary room for the atmosphere reversal.]

Tomorrow (10th) In the 5th game, Doosan announced Furankov and SK added Park Jong-hoon as a starter.

(Image editing: Choi Eun Jin)