With a positive record on its ten friendlies played in 2018 (seven wins, two draws and one defeat), the French women's football team seems to be in the right rhythm to prepare for the 2019 World Cup at home. If nothing is acquired, as the coach Corinne Deacon reminds us, it is clear that her plan is unfolding without a hitch.

"I know where I'm going. Since her arrival at the head of the French women's team at the end of August 2017, things have changed, systems have been tested, new players have been called, but if there is a constant over these fifteen months it is this feeling that Corinne Deacon completely masters her plan of work.

"We know where we want to go too," she added Friday, the eve of a France-Brazil brilliantly won by his players (3-1). What she has in mind, the former international seems indeed to have transmitted, over rallies and friendlies. Ten, in total, in 2018, with a more than respectable record of seven wins, two draws and one loss. More than the accounting results, it is the evolution of a "growing group" that stands out.

We end the year in style with this 3-1 victory against Brazil !! #FRABRE pic.twitter.com/1BFb938YUD

- Team of France (@equipedefrance) November 10, 2018

The speeches seem to be passing. And Corinne Deacon is not insensitive. Saturday night, after the victory against the Brazilian women, she did not notice immediately, as she could have done a few months ago, the goal concealed at the end of the game. No, the coach preferred to salute the "full match" of the Blue, "strong, attentive, applied, and with the desire to do well. All is not perfect, but they have this concern to answer the demand " . This is what seems to matter to the former Clermont coach. Join his project, which so far has paid off.

In fact, this translates into a constant defensive learning but always to refine, especially on this scheme 3-4-3 which goes rather well to the team of France. But also by an offensive animation less and less failing, even if once again, everything remains perfectible, according to the protagonists. On paper, human resources are there anyway.

"We stay on the ground"

But 2019 is certainly tomorrow, but it's still a long way off. Will the certainty of today still be relevant in June? "We stay on our feet, we have not won anything. The idea is to continue working, and then we will see what happens, " warns Corinne Deacon. With an opposition from January 19 against the world champions in the title, the United States, the requirement should rise a notch, to begin well in the home stretch before the World Cup.

Problem of rich, certainly, it will however during all these last months of work will have to deal with the generous calendars of the Parisiennes and Lyonnaises, according to the duration of their course in Champions League. Possible injuries. The batch of preparations to include in high season. "We have little time to work," says the coach. Often, we get them back on Monday, they played on Saturday or Sunday, so on the athletic level, logically, we should give them a little more rest. We also do a lot of video analysis. "

Les Bleues are gathered for the last stage of the year!
️ Marie-Antoinette Katoto joins the French team for the first time
️ Preparation match France-Brazil Saturday at 21H00 #FRABRE pic.twitter.com/ylg1xFZ0Mi

- Team of France (@equipedefrance) November 6, 2018

After testing many players (15 news called since her arrival), several diagrams against opponents of various caliber, Corinne Deacon now has a global framework, optional options, and will certainly leave the door open to a little more. unexpected and surprise until the end. The important remaining to respond present in June. But that's also inevitably in his plan.