Vladimir Morozov became the winner of the final swim in the 50-meter butterfly stroke, showing a result of 22.29 seconds. The Russian was ahead of American Michael Andrew (22.39 seconds) and Japanese representative Takeshi Kawamoto (22.60 seconds), who became the silver and bronze medalists of the tournament, respectively.

FINA Swimming World Cup 2018 - Tokyo FIN # FINA # SWC18 # Swimming 🏊🏻‍♂️ # 50Fly @ speedo @ omegawatchespic.twitter.com / ZIfatygqC2

- FINA (@ fina1908) November 11, 2018

Cyril Prigoda, in turn, with a score of 2 minutes 1.30 seconds won the swim by 200 meters breaststroke, ahead of his compatriot Anton Chupkov, who finished second (2 minutes 1.57 seconds). Bronze in this kind of competitive program won the Japanese Yasuhiro Koseki.

FINA Swimming World Cup 2018 - Tokyo FIN # FINA # SWC18 # Swimming 🏊🏻‍♂️ # 200Breast @ speedo @ omegawatchespic.twitter.com / iXLf6BLzAJ

- FINA (@ fina1908) November 11, 2018

Finally, Julia Efimova became the second breaststroke in the 50m swim, having covered the distance in 29.56 seconds. Russian woman lost only to Jamaican athlete Aliya Atkinson (28.95 seconds), and the third result showed Australian Emily Sibom (29.99 seconds).

FINA Swimming World Cup 2018 - Tokyo FIN # FINA # SWC18 # Swimming 🏊🏻‍♀️ # 50Breast @ speedo @ omegawatchespic.twitter.com/b2PVkCAnwc

- FINA (@ fina1908) November 11, 2018

Earlier it was reported that Efimova and Prigoda became silver medalists at the World Cup stage in Tokyo.