Ugandan Joshua Cheptegei broke the world record of 15 km in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 8 seconds behind the previous mark.

The year 2018 is definitely a very fast vintage on the road including the world records of the 10,000 m and the marathon. This time, it is the Ugandan Joshua Cheptegei who has shown in the Netherlands for 15 km.

Starting from 27'49 to 10km with the second 5km run in 13'42, Cheptegei then wanted to accelerate, and especially had legs, to complete its 15 km in 41'05, cutting eight seconds to the former world record.

13'16 on the last 5 kilometers

Above all, to give an idea of ​​this "acceleration", he has covered the last 5 kilometers in 13'16 (7'46 over the last 3,000m), the best French performance on 5,000m (track) since 2009 (on a favorable end of course).