At the restart in France team, Baptiste Serin did not have a hole Saturday night against South Africa. The Bordeaux scrum half has often made the right decisions while being on the right wavelength with his friend of the opening, Camille Lopez. But the cruel denouement (26-29) swept away this beautiful impression. Like all his partners, Serin will have to digest before the following, Saturday in Lille, against Argentina.

Normally, he would have slipped a line of humor, playing on a word. His, he ... He could say, for example, that a victory against South Africa would allow the XV of France to be more "serene" now. Serin just mentioned the "serenity" but not in the desired direction: "A success would have allowed us to approach the match against Argentina with more serenity. There, we remain in doubt ... "

For a ball misplaced by Wenceslas Lauret within 5 meters of the South Africans, a handful of seconds from the final whistle, France dropped its prey like the raven its cheese ... It conceded its seventh defeat in nine matches under the era of Jacques Brunel. Then, he is sad Baptiste: "It is painful, annoying, we held this victory in hand. "

++ Blue player's notes

As an applied student

What could he blame himself for the UBB elf on the night of his 21st selection? He spent 13 points, played 65 balls and focused on improving them as an applied student. Because he did not want to miss this new opportunity in the blue jersey, he who had been swept away by the draw conceded against Japan a year ago at U Arena Nanterre (23-23).

"Baptiste delivered a good match , summarizes Jean-Baptiste Elissalde, the coach of the rear lines tricolor . He ensured his passes, he knew how to put speed when the situation required it or slow down the game. In the end, it seems to me that he knew little waste. Serin was less mad-crazy, more focused on collective performance.

He refuses to mention his personal case because bitterness takes precedence over everything else. "At the limit, I want to lose by taking a jail. When you come across better than you, okay but then I do not think that's the case. Good manager, the 24-year-old Aquitanian also formed a sober pair with Camille Lopez, also a revival among the Blues and who investigated a well felt drop.

++ Guirado, captain bruised

"Installing a hinge is always complicated"

Their complicity was quick to settle. It was also started before the game since they had decided between them that it is the scrum-half who would be responsible for kicks on goal. Serin took six, only missed one penalty (49 ') may be synonymous with equalization. But Gael Fickou, by far missed one in the wake (65 '). " I left it to her because I had cramps," Serin explains.

Now remains to be confirmed, preferably by a win on Saturday in Lille against the Argentines. The XV of France needs to "chase his demons". With a hinge installed. "But that reminds Elissalde it's always complicated ..."