Negotiations on football transfers is a complex and painstaking process that requires all participants to be highly qualified and have a good knowledge of their cause. In this regard, functionaries around the world seek to find a way not only to facilitate the task of hiring players, but also to reduce the number of errors that inevitably arise along the way. And soon he can really reach a new level.

For several years in succession, an international forum of football agents has been held in different countries, in which hundreds of scouts, lawyers, managers and other representatives of clubs from around the world - from Juventus, Manchester City and Bavaria to less famous teams from Kazakhstan, take part. Mexico and Ghana.

This year's conference, held in the Amsterdam Johan Cruyff Arena, registered more than 700 participants representing the interests of 200 teams from 65 countries. The event was informally called “quick football dates” due to its unusual format. Before it begins, each specialist is given a name plate and a ribbon of a certain color. So, pink was designated the representatives of clubs, and yellow - agents. Then everyone is seated at the tables on which there are pre-prepared computers and tablets. Those interested in the sale or lease of a football player negotiate, having access to statistics and customer indicators. The time of each conversation is strictly limited to 20 minutes.

Despite the obvious similarity with the rather popular type of acquaintance these days, according to the head of one of the agencies, John Wake, the name “quick dates” does not convey the essence of what is happening.

“It sounds a little rough. Literally, we are talking about networking at a high-class event. This is a chance to meet live with a large number of people from this sphere and develop relationships, ”said a functionary of The Telegragh.

Welcome to football \ 's version of speed dating - @JWTelegraph reports from Amsterdam

- Telegraph Football (@TeleFootball) November 21, 2018

In addition, each forum member has its own goals. For some agents, this is the last chance to find suitable conditions for clients, and for others, familiarity with a longer-term perspective.

So, corruption scandals have called into question the existence of several clubs in Ghana. In this regard, a large number of their representatives arrived in Europe to employ football players, who otherwise could be left not only without playing practice, but also without money.

According to one of the founder of the conference, Matteo Campodonico, the forum has repeatedly become a lifeline in such situations.

“Some teams are in a state of emergency at the beginning of the season after a bad start. And they have to urgently look for new players and change the direction of their movement. But the transfer market is huge. A simple phone call is not enough. And here you can just sit down and every 20 minutes a new agent or representative of the club will appear in front of you, ”said Campodonico.

At the same time, the opposite situations are not uncommon. Thus, Grethar Steinsson, technical director of the First League Club of England "Fleetwood Town", said that he was ready to hold talks with several agents about transfer deals, but the main purpose of his visit was only to explore possible options.

Fleetwood Town is a promising and ambitious team. And in two days of the conference, it is possible to establish cooperation, which will bear fruit next week, next year, or even five years later, ”said Steinsson.

At the moment on the forums of this type the fate of the main stars of world football is not decided. However, there are some exceptions.

One of the most striking examples of successful negotiations during “football dates” can be the transfer of striker Sebastian Giovinco from Juventus to the Toronto High League club (MLS) in 2015. As a result, the Italian became the highest paid player in the top division of the United States and Canada.

At the conference this year, it could not have done without discussing the latest initiative of the International Football Federation (FIFA), which plans to re-introduce specialized examinations for agents, canceled in 2015. For three years, the number of licensed professionals representing the interests of football players has increased several dozen times.

In this regard, many professional agents have supported a return to this rule. Wake is among them.

“Everyone wants the process to proceed properly. We know many examples of young guys getting the worst advice from people with a lack of ethics and proper qualifications. It simply scares. And none of the innovations helped, ”the functionary added.