At the fourth stage of the Grand Prix in figure skating in Japanese Hiroshima, the Russian woman was in the lead after the short program, but in the end won only bronze. After the competition, the figure skater decided to chat with fans on her Twitter page. However, she noted that communication should be in a joking manner.

One-Hour Question

- Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (@TuktikLiza) November 10, 2018

This format of communication caused a huge stir among figure skating fans, which with each new performance Tuktamysheva becomes more and more. For an hour, the Russian woman answered questions from all over the world.

After the competition in Japan, the army of female athlete's fans has increased significantly due to the local public, which the figure skater was not tired to thank in her comments.

“Most of all, I remember how I was received here. It was great! The Japanese are the most hospitable people in the world. Every person treats you with kindness, ”wrote Tuktamysheva.

The Russian woman is known for her reverent attitude to the fans, who, according to her, always give her confidence. In addition, she noted that each of them is her friend.

The attention of the fans did not go away and the topic of refereeing at the Grand Prix in Hiroshima. Tuktamysheva preferred to take a neutral position on this issue and not to comment on her points in any way, adding that it is not her responsibility to assess the actions of the judges.

Throughout the dialogue, the Russian woman remained true to herself and responded with irony to the comments of the fans. So, when asked about what kind of music she would like to perform, the girl replied that it should be an ultrasound or tune to launch the Windows operating system.

Many fans were also interested in future plans by an elderly woman by the standards of figure skating. However, Tuktamysheva hastened to assure that at the moment she did not think about the end of her professional career and was not afraid of competition from her younger colleagues.

“I like what I do. I will leave when I stop experiencing this feeling. Not jealous of younger figure skaters, since she herself was in their place, ”admitted the girl.

Having taken the third place at the Grand Prix stage in Japan, the Russian woman was the first among compatriots to win a ticket to the final tournament, which will be held in early December in Canadian Vancouver. According to her, she is looking forward to returning to North America, where she also has many fans.

“It will not be easy, as I have to change 13 time zones in 10 days. But, probably, I will meet again with my fans, and we will celebrate my sixth place together, ”the athlete joked.

Also, the figure skater touched on the topic of US policy, challenging the country's president Donald Trump.

“Dream partner? I would choose Trump to make him look even more stupid. But is it possible? ”, - wrote the Russian woman.

Trump. To make him look even more stupid. But is it possible?

- Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (@TuktikLiza) November 10, 2018

In addition, she expressed confidence that she could beat the president if they had a dispute in social networks. Subsequently, this post was removed, and Tuktamysheva said that local journalists took her “playful tweets” too seriously.