The boss of the Cojo (organizing committee of the Olympic Games) made a stopover in Rennes on Friday. On the occasion of the general assembly of the presidents of the departments of France, Tony Estanguet launches a phase of communication in the territories on the societal stake of Paris 2024. The former triple Olympic champion of canoe estimates to need "all the world "to succeed the biggest challenge of France.

On the fifth floor of a posh building on Boulevard Haussmann, Tony Estanguet leads a team of 90 people. Eventually, a few months before the 2024 Olympic Games, the president of the Cojo will lead some 4,500 people. The organizing committee must first leave its Paris headquarters for larger premises in Seine-Saint-Denis.

With less than six years to go, the boss, flanked by Bernard Lapasset, with whom he jumped in the water in 2015, is back on the road. The duo stops at Rennes, this morning, before the assembly of county councils. And there are messages to pass on the necessary implication of all the territories.

Before approaching the heart of the subject, an intimate question: do you ever regret to be embarked on this adventure of Paris 2024?

(In a broad smile ...) But since always, I make this reflection! When I was an athlete, it was the same thing. I see myself slipping on the treadmill of the Sydney Olympics in 2000, two minutes from the start. I said to myself already: but what am I doing here? And how will I react in the pool? In fact, I have always liked this type of situation.

Have you always fed on it?

Yes, in order to pick up stuff that I did not know. In order to force the machine when I felt like I was facing a challenge that was too important for me. After the Beijing Games in 2008, I could have stopped my career. I had opportunities. But I preferred to repeat for four years without being certain to qualify for the 2012 Games ... And even less to win a third title.

Is not it sometimes difficult to assume?

At the headquarters of the Cojo, Tony Estanguet watches over a team of 80 people. | Philippe Renault

Yes, it's hard sometimes. You know, there is no handbook from the good chair of a National Olympic and Paralympic Committee ... I live a crazy adventure but I'm happy to get up every morning. When I stopped my career, I was told that I would have trouble finding the adrenaline of the Olympic titles. Well ! I am served at the height of what I was hoping for. In this second life, I find the spice of the first. And I say to myself that I am very lucky. That a small Pauois practicing canoeing has such a strong conversion, it was not won in advance!

" It's thanks to sport that North Korea and South Korea talk to each other"

In fact, have you always wanted to stay in this world of sport?

Yes. I did not want to go away because it is this world that always made me vibrate. What excites me today is to bring a project that shows the power of sport to the greatest number. Sport reveals what everyone has best in him. It unites us by going beyond the divisions. It is through sport, for example, that North Korea and South Korea speak to each other.

Do not your functions force you to make concessions on the sacred time of the family?

Of course I do not have as much time as I would like. But there are many other people in my situation. The truth is that I have three boys full of energy who would like their dad to be more present. But I can still find a balance.

What message do you want to pass before the assembly of county councils in Rennes?

I come to tell the departments that they will have their place in Paris 2024. Beyond the competition sites, it is essential that a real mobilization of the territories be built. I come to see what can be put in place in each department so that it wants to embark its inhabitants.

So it will be the Games of the French, not only Parisians?

The competitions will be held in the Paris region because it is a real strength that athletes are thirty minutes maxi sites. But I am trying to show that these Games are just a pretext to develop the place of sport in our country. From the beginning of next year, we will put in place actions. For example, an Olympic week in every school in France in February. We will also undertake a tour of the regions.

"We are where we wanted to be"

In his previous life, Tony Estanguet was a three-time Olympic Canoe Champion. | Reuters

On September 13, 2017, in Lima, the IOC has awarded you the Games. Is your project on time?

This first year has passed very quickly, which is rather good sign. I find our project stronger today than 14 months ago. We reinforced what was very solid while improving what could be by taking into consideration various remarks heard here and there, including the IOC. We are where we wanted to be.

But still ?

I take the example of governance: everyone continues to be active, while there was a danger of bursting (after Lima, at the dissolution of the bid committee). In addition, the Olympic and Paralympic Act was passed immediately.

Site disputes have been resolved?

We looked more closely at the sites where there was a risk of budget overruns. Especially the swimming pool to build. We have maximized the legacy by privileging the renovation of nine basins. The territory of Seine-Saint-Denis will come out strengthened. Currently, one in two students entering sixth grade can not swim ...

You communicate a lot on different Games. But how will they be different?

We aspire to become a reference in terms of organization around two issues. A: the celebration. We want it breathtaking, everyone to take full eyes. We want emotions to be magnified. Two: our platform will serve the population. Our Games will change the lives of French people because I believe that sport changes lives.

"It's not the Games that are expensive"

For decades, the Olympics have been dragging over the budget. What do you say to the French taxpayer who worries?

I tell him that it is the construction of infrastructure that causes slippage. It's not the Games that are expensive. But 95% of our sites are existing. Let people understand that the Games are generating money. The organizational budget will be stable because financed by sponsors, TV rights, ticketing, values ​​around the project that will generate profits reinvested in the organization. That's why we separated the costs. In the 3 billion euros allocated to the cost of infrastructure, there will be the construction of 3,500 housing units in Seine-Saint-Denis. It is the contribution of Games turned in the service of the population.

Where are you from the funding from the private partnership?

Normally, the IOC will grant us the "Olympic" mark on French territory as of January 1, 2019. But we have already signed an agreement with him in August, which allowed us to announce our first partner (BPCE). Others will follow, we do it,

Tony Estanguet received West-France to make a point of the Paris 2024 yard. Philippe Renault

e will be a big job in 2019.

"Let's enjoy the Games to rethink our model"

The signals sent by the Ministry of Sports, recently , do not they translate a paradox? We have the feeling that France has won the Games but will not put the package to welcome them?

I'm less sliced ​​than that. The budget context is not simple. All faucets can not be opened by Bercy. Everyone must make efforts. Let's be creative! The day we realize the benefits of sport in our society, a great step has been taken. Take advantage of the Games to rethink our model, redefine our statutes, our funding. We must be in this debate.

Do you understand the current discontent of the sports movement?

It's good war. I know the major and societal role played by all the volunteers in the clubs. Clubs often rest only on the shoulders of a few. I am well placed to know because I am always active at my club always (the CUP in Pau). There are solutions to find to better value their commitment.

Is the upcoming creation of the ANS (national sports agency) going in the right direction?

Yes, because our sports model dates from the 60s and needs a new breath. The ANS will involve all actors and even integrate the private world, which is a good thing. But she can not solve all the problems alone. We have less than six years to carry a strong project. With the idea of ​​surprising!