Olympique de Marseille will face Lazio on Thursday, during the fourth day of the Europa League. Currently third in their group with a single small point, obtained against Limassol, and chaining defeats since the first leg against Lazio, the men of Rudi Garcia are not at their best. The coach delivers his feeling about the current situation of his team.

Olympique de Marseille remain in three consecutive defeats before facing Lazio Thursday in Rome in the Europa League and "everyone can do better, the players and the coach," Wednesday assured Marseille coach Rudi Garcia. The Olympians, finalist of the last edition, occupy for the time the third place of their group, and if they do not impose themselves in Italy, the qualification for the sixteenth finals will not be possible any more.

Simone Inzaghi (Lazio coach), is still wary of the Marseillais: "It's a first match point for the qualification. But I am suspicious of this Marseille in crisis. We know that this is a great team and we will have to repeat the same match at the Vélodrome. They have suffered three defeats but I still prefer to face the teams that have just won. After a defeat, you have to expect a reaction and we will find a team that will want to make a result. It will be harder than going. I have a lot of respect for Garcia, who is an excellent coach. "

The three defeats in a row against Lazio, Paris and Montpellier, are they synonymous with crisis at OM?

Rudi Garcia (OM coach): "What is important is not to lose enthusiasm, to trust our means. But there are things to erase and we must regain our ability to handle the opposite moments. We lack continuity, including the duration of the match. Even though we played difficult opponents lately, we know that we were not allowed to go out with these results. If we are more regular, if we stop doing a good period out of two, we will do better. We must do what is necessary to continue to hope even if the chances are not huge for us. "

Kevin Strootman (OM midfielder): "It will be a tough match. Lazio is a strong team, with very good players, Milinkovic-Savic, Immobile ... At the Vélodrome, we made a good match with the ball but weak without a ball. We must do better, more collective, more physical. The goal is to play the C3 after Christmas. It's important for the club and the fans. For this, we must win Thursday But it's a complicated time for us, for sure. "

Are changes to be expected?

Garcia: "There will be change. Those who played less will certainly be holders. Others need to breathe, physically and mentally. We lost the go with the so-called strongest team. So tomorrow, with freshness and envy, we hope to do a lot better than to go. Everyone can do better, the coach and the players. Decisions will be made, some in consultation with the players, as for the guardian's post. Others will be taken by me. Some people need to understand that they have to do better, others need to breathe and still others need a little fresh air. "

What is your state of mind ? Garcia: "I'm disappointed and upset. But not touched. The harder it is, the more I like. And here I am served. I hate to lose. But we are OM and we can not hide by saying that we played big teams. We should have had other results. Now we have to demonstrate tomorrow that we have this ability to bounce back. "

You who trained AS Roma before your arrival, do you know the Stadio Olimpico well, just like Strootman? Rudi Garcia: "I like this stage. I have lived many beautiful things here. It is a stadium that has two clubs, a feature that does not exist in France. And both clubs like this stage, just do not look the same curva. I have received many expressions of affection since we arrived. More from Romanisti than from Laziale, of course. "

Kevin Strootman: "It's special to come back here. It's a shame that it's not against Roma. I've had five really good years here, and it's special to play here. But the most important thing is that you have to win. "

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