Favorites to their own estate before the start of the season, the Golden State Warriors are experiencing a complicated first month. That night, they recorded a fourth consecutive loss. A first under the Steve Kerr era. The beginning of the end for the double champion in title? Nothing is less sure.

But what's going on at Golden State? After a particularly convincing start to the season with ten wins in eleven games, all accompanied by a particularly fluid and seductive game, the Warriors already seemed untouchable. But on November 9 against Milwaukee, Stephen Curry gets hurt. The following ? A heavy defeat that same night against the Bucks 134-11, five losses on the next seven games including four consecutive (the biggest series of defeats since 2013) and an altercation between Durant and Green who will make the headlines. Worse, the Warriors' attack, considered one of the best of all time, is no longer running. Do not throw away the cup is full!

An attack at half mast

That night, the Warriors conceded their fourth straight loss, a first in the Steve Kerr era, and their sixth in eight games. A slap shot by the Thunder (123-95) with a 28-point gap is the second-worst home run since Kerr led the team. An absent defense, few solutions in attack and a global impression of relaxation. Without Curry, the attack of the Warriors is unrecognizable.

86 points against the Rockets, 92 against the Spurs, 95 yesterday against the Thunder. No no, we do not talk about Hawks but Warriors. The offensive record is catastrophic and we are very far from the game licked early in the season. After the debacle of this night against OKC (123-95), Durant said in interview "The problem is the attack. We do not find the rhythm, we are really not good in attack " . It is indeed very difficult to give him wrong. Yet, for many reasons, it is always difficult to be worried about the double-defending champions.

A Curry addiction?

The Warriors have lost 5 of their last 7 games. That's Golden State's worst 7-game stretch under Steve Kerr. pic.twitter.com/20m4TH0GA0

- ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) November 19, 2018

Firstly, this bad series was made mostly without Stephen Curry, Draymond Green and of course always Demarcus Cousins, which will probably be back in early 2019. Obviously the way worried, the figures are surprising but so far There is nothing to sound the alarm. He misses three players of the major five of the team, including Curry. The return of the star leader should not be long and the deal should change for the Warriors.

Moreover, the record of this season with and without Stephen Curry is more than revealing. With the leader, the team is ten wins for only two losses while without him, with the setback of last night, this record is two wins for five losses. The game is less fluid, the Warriors less skillful, in short the difference is total. His return will do good to the franchise.

Stephen Curry feels better and better. pic.twitter.com/Sol7t3LXZw

- JordaNBA (@Jorda_NBA) November 21, 2018

Solid opponents, a diminished team

Another point to highlight in this series of defeats, the quality of the opponents encountered. Outside of Dallas, the Warriors have faced only very fit teams in the beginning of the season: Milwaukee, Houston, Los Angeles Clippers, San Antonio and last night Oklahoma City. That heavy, too heavy obviously for these weakened Warriors.

In addition, after a little over a month of competition, the record of the Warriors without being transcendent remains correct. The franchise is currently in fifth place on the high-profile Western Conference, with twelve wins and seven losses. There is not yet fire in the house and even if it is easy to make hasty conclusions, it would be particularly unconscious to forget that these Warriors are the ultimate favorites to their own succession.

Finally, if you really need to be reassured, Steve Kerr can say that Golden State is not the only franchise in doubt. The Rockets, the main rival announced in the West, or even in the NBA, has a start of even more complicated exercise with nine wins for seven defeats. So, for the moment, there is nothing to panic about in San Francisco Bay. As long as Curry stays fit, obviously ...