Touched against AS Matoury in the Coupe de France, Valentin Lavigne can not be aligned against Quevilly-Rouen, this Friday evening at Guy-Piriou. The former Lorient suffered from the knee.

The US Concarneau did not return completely unscathed from its victorious trip to Guyana, on the occasion of the 7th round of the Coupe de France in front of AS Matoury (3-2). Indeed, the Tuna boats must regret the knee injury of Valentin Lavigne, package for the reception of Quevilly-Rouen, this Friday evening (20 h). The striker has received "a big fishing" , laments Nicolas Cloarec, coach concarnois. The striker Finistérien, also scorer at the beginning of the match on penalty (his first goal with the USC since his arrival), suffers from distention of the external ligaments. A lesser evil, "because we could fear a break, " says Cloarec, quite annoyed by the aggressiveness of the Guyanese, not sanctioned elsewhere.

The concarnois striker could make his return during the trip to Chambly on November 30, or at the reception of Saint-Malo (N2), in the Coupe de France (December 8 or 9).