Egyptian actress Mai Abdullah, the sculptor of Liverpool's Mohammed Salah, who has made a big controversy on her Facebook page, confirmed that she had received a phone call from the international player to talk about her talent after the statue she created sparked a lot of controversy on the media sites. Social and irony after being presented during the second edition of the World Youth Forum in Sharm El Sheikh.

Egyptian singer Mai Abdullah said on her Facebook page: "I am very happy .. Our international player and our hero Captain Mohammed Salah personally contact me now, and encouraged me very much, and I am an artist, I entered your page and I felt your whole job and I was very impressed" .

"Mohamed Salah asked me to make a new statue to keep in his house, and asked me not to pay attention to the negative comments, and I will become a very large and universal artist."

This comes after a major campaign against the controversial statue of a wave of funny comments commenting on him and away from the original player.