Triple Paralympic champion in athletics, Marie-Amélie Le Fur will apply to the succession of Emmanuelle Assmann at the head of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF). The general assembly will take place in December.

According to the sports daily L'Equipe, Marie-Amélie Le Fur is a candidate for the presidency of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee. The 30-year-old multi-medal Paralympic athlete and four-time world champion would like to take over from fencer Emmanuelle Assmann. President of the Paralympic Committee since 2013, Assmann has announced that she will be leaving her position for professional reasons. His successor will be elected at a general meeting in December.

For professional reasons & after 5 years at the helm of @FRAparalympique, I will leave my job as president. Proud to have worn this mvt, mvt that keeps growing. The included by the sport is 1 priority and I know that the organization of the JOP in 2024 will be a catalyst!

- Emmanuelle Assmann (@E_Assmann) October 31, 2018

" When Emmanuelle Assmann told me that she was leaving, she brought me to think about this eventuality," says Marie-Amélie Le fur to the team. It has been very engaging for me because the Paralympic movement is very important to me. I could see how Emmanuelle had allowed our world to evolve. As I have been with him for quite some time, I have managed to analyze the way it works, as it is a movement that is important to me and that I want to continue in the evolution that has been engaged, I proposed my application. I had the chance to work with Paris 2024 and chair a departmental committee. I managed to get my hands on the ground to understand the functioning of the movement and I would like to put these skills to the benefit of the movement by relying on the people who already make it up. "

Goodbye Paris 2024?

Excited by this new challenge, Le Fur also expresses his greatest concern: put an end to his sports career. " I wish I could continue my sports career to Tokyo, " she told the sports daily, "that will be the goal. After, if I'm elected, it would require ending my career after Tokyo and no longer consider Paris 2024 as an athlete. "