On Tuesday and Wednesday, Johann Zarco discovered his new bike, the KTM, which he will drive next season. A studious discovery for the Frenchman, who has already started working on the settings.

Frenchman Johann Zarco has discovered his new bike on Tuesday and Wednesday in Valencia. A grip on two days not necessarily easy, since the Cannes driver fell twice, Wednesday. Nevertheless, the Frenchman was enthusiastic after these two days of discovery.

Read also:

  • MotoGP. Johann Zarco, two days of testing on the KTM and ideas for the future
  • MotoGP. Test in Valencia: Vinales ahead, Zarco suffers, Quarataro progresses
  • MotoGP. Johann Zarco falls with his KTM in Valencia

"I tried to improve my time with the bike on Wednesday, but we could not do it," he regretted. "I can really feel the potential of the bike, but we still have to find some speed. It's a shame to have crashed twice, but I have no injuries, and this allowed me to understand what I needed to change in my riding style. "

First two exciting days, however, for the Frenchman: "It was really nice to get on the machine and it's something very different from what I've known so far in MotoGP. The colors, the outfit ... everything was very exciting! It remains now to prepare for the test sessions, in Jerez, and already provide some solutions?