Proligue. Caen HB - JS Cherbourg: 28-31. It is logically that Cherbourg pocketed the derby Friday night in Caen. The Vikings remain red lantern without any point. The reactions of both sides.

Pascal Mahé (Caen HB coach): "We got our feet on the mat early in the game, when we had strong intentions. We made balloons quickly, we were chastised on our own mistakes. We come back with other intentions in the second half, even if I have to take a time out after a minute because I feel that the players have not heard my speech in the locker room . We came back to the score, we went ahead. But where we hope to make the difference mentally, the past comes back to us in the face. Players are aware of the situation, we work every day to make things happen differently. I dare to hope that one day we will be able to show a real performance from start to finish, which would allow us to have a happier outcome for us. "

Nicolas Tricon (Cherbourg coach): "We were good for 56 minutes and our 4 minutes of absence almost cost us the match. Overall, we deserve this victory. We approached this derby calmly, with a game plan that worked well. I hope Caen is not going down, we saw a very good state of mind tonight (Friday) between the two teams. This derby, we won by playing good handball. We are unbeaten outside but we will have to unlock at home. "

Thomas Lamora (President of Caen HB): "We train eight times a week to play ten minutes of handball ... We play at a National level 1 for 45 minutes. Defend N1, attack as the last of Proligue. And then suddenly, there is energy, contact, legs for ten minutes. The game summary is the first five minutes. 3-0 for Cherbourg, while it's been a week that we have great speeches, we explain that we will have to hit hard right now ... We are last of Proligue, we have zero point, it is a derby and the room is full. Everything is there, we have an audience that forgives us excessively. I do not know if players realize how lucky they are to be in a club with such an audience. You have to be much worse physically. Players will have to understand that they have to go from artistic expression to boxing. "

Williams Manebard (JS Cherbourg captain): "I have a sense of pride. I'm proud of what we produced, this game we went to win. There is always an extra stake in the derbies, we were able to answer this and I am very happy. We remained united and united when Caen came back. This victory is a lot of good. "

Sven Horvat (JS Cherbourg goalkeeper): "Winning here, with all our fans, it's great. There are a lot of emotions. It was an important match for us. Gabor (Busa) did the job, well done to the whole team. Now you have to win at home. "

Macira Sacko (right back of Caen HB): "We are all very disappointed. We tried to get our heads back to the place, we did not let go of the case. But we still miss this little trick to reverse the trend. We must continue to work. "