D1. Dunkerque - Cesson Rennes, tonight (8 pm). The Cessonnais move in the North deficient and with doubts to quickly sweep.

Dunkerque? " The miracle ! The miracle, repeats the coach. I might ask to go through Lourdes before going to Dunkirk. Everything is said.

Christian Gaudin laughed yellow Monday morning after training. The irony was nothing more than a masquerade, it was rather a soup with a grimace. "We are more than diminished, " he grumbled, skeptical. Between the wounded, the suspended and the unskilled, that's a lot. I will have to integrate players of Nationale 2 (who played against Cherbourg Sunday) to go to win an away match in Lidl Star League. I am not a magician. I am pissed. The NHL is not a level of N2. At some point, you have to be aware of certain things. "

Several files annoyed him, Monday, starting with that of his son, Noah Gaudin, half-center from Aix-en-Provence whose validation of the loan begins to delay. "I'm worried about the papers. I do not know if he'll be here on Wednesday, "he was worried.

Tuesday night, at 24 hours of the match against Dunkirk, Christian Gaudin seemed much more confident, going so far as to write the name of Noah on the score sheet, even if he wanted to use the conditional: "The record of Noah should be accepted at the end of the day (Tuesday) or tomorrow (Wednesday). The League (Cnacg) now has all the necessary papers. That should do it. The other reinforcement, Guilherme Gama, is expected to arrive next week in training, in test.

The Acquevillo case also weighs. The left-back had received a red card at Nîmes (28 ') on 12 September (24-19). The NHL commission had awarded him two sanction dates, including one farm, and Cesson had appealed. "Unfortunately, the Federation Commission confirmed these sanctions last Thursday. » Extra hard blow. The club will be private player in Dunkerque. Except that Jean-Jacques Acquevillo, it's still eleven goals all alone against Ivry (October 17 last).

Little gropings wrong. As always, time is running out. Then the recovery opponent is not just any one. Dunkirk has been at the top of the table for fifteen years (sixth of last year's D1), and has even been crowned champion of France (2014). Currently, the team is seventh with seven points (three wins, one draw and three losses), only two more than Christian Gaudin's players (tenths, two wins, one draw, four losses).

Nothing is impossible. It will be necessary to "shake up the hierarchy" , as Christian Gaudin likes to say. Forget for those who were in the game, the match of May 9, against the same opponent, which ended in a defeat at home (21-25). And recite the lesson learned in training.

Noah Gaudin is there every day and seemed, in passing, very fit Monday. He and his future new teammates, with whom everything seems to be going well, started shooting again last week, after five days off. N2 grafted, more than usual.

The job can pay, the magic operate. The files resolve themselves, very quickly. In short, "the miracle" is accomplished.

The group ceased: Lettens (g), Bucataru (g), Villeminot, Dupont-Marion, Derbier, Bolaers, Rochet, Kamchop-Baril, Kalafut, Szyba, Gudmundsson, Doré, Salou, Gaudin, Zmuda, Abily. Coach: Gaudin.