The side of the French team, Lucas Hernandez, is uncertain for the gathering of world champions. The Atletico player was injured during the meeting of the Madrid club's victory in the Champions League against Dortmund (2-0). He suffers from a right thigh injury and should be away from the field for a few weeks.

Atlético defenders Lucas Hernandez and José Maria Gimenez, who lost to Dortmund (2-0) on Tuesday, are suffering a muscle injury to their thighs, their club said Wednesday, a setback that could deprive the Frenchman Uruguayan rallies of their selections mid-November.

"The French defender, who ended the match against Borussia Dortmund with pain, suffers a myo-tendinous injury in the adductor muscles of the right thigh" , wrote Atlético Madrid, without specifying duration. absence.

According to the website of the sports daily Marca, Lucas Hernandez "will be away from the field a few weeks" , without further details.

A hecatomb

Replaced at the break Tuesday, Gimenez has suffered a relapse hamstring, with a new injury in the same place as the injury suffered last month. Again, the club does not specify its downtime.

These injuries are in addition to those of Stefan Savic and Diego Godin, absent Tuesday, and leave the defense of Atlético decimated before facing Athletic Bilbao Saturday in Liga.

And this is also true for the team of France: the coach Didier Deschamps may have to tinker in defense against the Netherlands in the League of Nations (November 16) due to a wave of injuries in this sector.

Read also

French team. Changes in the next list of Deschamps?

As for Lucas Hernandez and José Maria Gimenez, they are likely to miss their reunion expected at the France-Uruguay friendly scheduled on November 20 in Saint-Denis, revenge of the quarterfinal of the World Cup won this summer by the future champions of the French world ( 2-0).