On a positive series of seven games without defeat, the French women's team plays its last friendly match of the year 2018 Saturday night (21 pm), in Nice, against Brazil. With the 2019 World Cup still at home in sight.

It's the last time of the year that they play together. The next will be in 2019. Their year, that of the World Cup organized at home in France (from June 7 to July 7). So inevitably, the Blue do not want to miss this last appointment of 2018. This Saturday evening (21 pm), in the beautiful setting of Nice Allianz Riviera who will also see the World Cup, they face Brazilians deprived of their star Marta. "It's a great goal," said goalkeeper Sarah Bouhaddi , "Brazil is a team we can meet in the World Cup, so this match will allow us to move forward in our preparation, and to see where we are. "

Les Bleues are training at the Allianz Riviera. Appointment tomorrow (9pm) with the Nice public for #FRABRE. A live match on @sports_ouest pic.twitter.com/SD5I6kINUT

- Virginie Bachelier (@vbachelier) November 9, 2018

Where is the team of France, precisely? Unbeaten for seven games against opponents of varying caliber, she is shaping, experimenting, according to the tests of his coach. "I know where I'm going, we know where we want to go too," says Corinne Deacon, " There are things that work well, now I want to have several strings to our bow, because a World Cup, it's going to work on details, we need to be able to work on several systems, several system animations. "

A core

In addition to the schemes, the former coach of Clermont also varied the numbers, although a kernel has become clear as the friendly matches. "It's a long way from the World Cup, " she says, "although from the lists I go out at every rally, there is some backbone, will today's list be who will be doing the World Cup today I can not tell you, there can still be a lot of things going on. " Starting with injuries.

Corinne Dacre, coach of the French Women's Team, has unveiled the list of 23 players convened to prepare France - Brazil on Saturday, November 10 in Nice #FRABRE pic.twitter.com/CAtB4rl2WB

- Team of France (@equipedefrance) October 31, 2018

Very rarely on the flank, Bretonne Eugénie Le Sommer must declare a forfeit for Brazil. If there is absolutely no doubt that she will be selected for the World Cup, dixit Corinne Deacon, it is still necessary to plan B in case some frames are missing the call, or simply to manage their playing time .

The first for Katoto?

Young people knocking on the door can be of great help. The first convocation of the nugget of the attack on Paris-Saint-Germain (already ten goals in the league), Marie-Antoinette Katoto, proves for example to be a nice option in point. Provided that the one who totally missed out on its U20 World Cup last summer is this time at the rendezvous. "She is performing well with her club, we just had to give her a little time to digest, indeed, this failure at the World Cup, explains Corinne Deacon, she does not hide it, we still discussed at the beginning of week, she knows she has missed out, now this competition, I said it must be in the past, to show me that it can also be successful with the team of France , knowing that today, she arrives with no status.The team of France has already won without her, has already scored goals without her, so today, Marie-Antoinette Katoto does not arrive in France team with the label "savage." She has no pressure to have. She is in any case, admitted by her teammates, "very happy" to be there.

What better than a first appearance, and why not a goal, against Brazil on Saturday night to write a new page? She, like the Blues, have in any case a mission: to complete a 2018 year that has generally succeeded. Before the more serious things in 2019 ...