Mediapart today reveals the underwear of the transfer of Paul Pogba, from Juventus Turin to Manchester United, in a new episode of Football Leaks. Dizzying numbers around Mino Raiola, an agent covered by FIFA.

The revelations of Football Leaks never cease to splash football. Today, Mediapart delivers new information around the lucrative transfer of Paul Pogba, passed from Juventus Turin to Manchester United. The sums behind this record transfer have been ignored by FIFA.

127 million euros. Here is the amount of record transfer, at the time, from Paul Pogba to Manchester United. In this incredible amount, Mediapart reveals that Mino Raiola, the agent of the French player, received 49 million euros, or 38% of the total amount.

A record commission, which goes against the rules set by FIFA. However, the football organization closed the eyes and maintained impunity around the agent, on which no investigation was opened. The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has even cleared Juventus against the advice of its internal investigators.