While FC Lorient hosts this Friday night Paris FC (20 h) and wishes to return to the podium of Ligue 2, his offensive midfielder Jimmy Cabot (24 years), inconstant because braked by injury, delivers his truths without language of wood and with courage and lucidity. He recognizes, among other things, having more difficulty expressing himself in this Ligue 2 than in Ligue 1. Interview.

Jimmy Cabot, as in the past, you are not painted with wounds this season (ischios in July, knee in October). How do you live these times? I have always been a little fragile at the level of ischios. I do not have the right to the error, as soon as there is a small gap, I fart! I do not have success. Obviously, it's frustrating to watch others play against Brest (2-3) and Metz (0-0), while I could have helped. But there is much worse than me, I am not at all demoralized. I missed ten days, they are small lesions. I know that I am subject to this, you have to deal with and work more to avoid them in prevention.

Do you feel cut off in your swing with each injury? Yes. I made a big preparation, I felt good, as against Angers where I score, and bim! Stop. I miss the start of the season, so it's not necessarily obvious. Before the last injury, the same, I returned rather well, I began to chained and boom, I miss two big matches (Brest and Metz). It was necessary to recover in Beziers.

"My game lacks consistency"

Precisely, is it difficult to find the rhythm, to get back to the level after a period at a standstill? Get back to the level, I think it's ok, I'm pretty much (smile). After that, you have to get back to speed, especially in a match. I had the opportunity to find play time in Beziers (56 minutes), it's good.

How do you judge your start of the season? It's a bit like last year, there are injuries. In the game, I feel good, but there are big gaps in efficiency or others. It lacks consistency (he played nine games, for a goal and an assist).

"For me to be decisive in Ligue 2"

You had better stats in Ligue 1, two years ago, than last year in L2. Do you feel more comfortable at the top level to express yourself? It's certain. I felt better in Ligue 1. We only see it on our friendlies. As soon as we play a Ligue 1, there are many more spaces, we count a little more on individual talents. There, in L2, we often have grouped blocks where we have to be much more patient. I unconsciously may be more in a midfield record instead of crashing all the time. I am in another area that Wissa can be for example. It is also up to me to adapt and bring something else to be decisive in L2.

Before the descent in May 2017, you had chained three consecutive seasons in Ligue 1, with Troyes and Lorient. Is it difficult to acclimate to this League 2? Yes. We discovered the beautiful matches, the beautiful atmosphere of Ligue 1 ... So when we fall in Ligue 2, there is disappointment. And unconsciously, with less prestigious matches, there is a little less motivation. But that's part of the job. We must do with. If we are here, we deserve it. You have to do what it takes to get back up.

"Unconsciously, with less prestigious matches, there is less motivation"

Do you still enjoy playing in Ligue 2? Of course. I have to do it. It's part of my job. We went down, it's very sad for everyone. So, we have less prestigious matches, a game not necessarily always very beautiful to see. But I'm not going to say: "I only play the good matches, because it plays well. "

So how do you find the motivation against a less prestigious L2 club than a match in Paris or Marseille? It is found in our objectives, individual or collective. There is a great adventure to live, we have a good staff, we work well. Even if it is the L2 and we are caricaturing what goes with it, we can still do a lot of things and play good football. That's what we have at the FCL, even in Ligue 2.

On a personal level, what are you missing to achieve a full season in terms of matches and statistics? Already, chaining the matches because it's sure that if every time I'm good, I have two-three weeks off, it's complicated. But I have many axes of work: my efficiency, work also in the register that I occupy in L2. Because in front of low enough blocks, I make less these sharp calls, this job in front of the goal where I am less present than others. Even if I think I'm doing work elsewhere, especially in ball games. I also have to toughen my game, go back to the goal, lots of things like that.

How do you see competition at your post? I am demanding of myself. But the competition is good for the group. We have very good young people, it's great that it grows behind, like Julien (Ponceau) or Moussa (Guel).